P5 and P7 get a taste for learning about Food

Primary 5 and Primary 7 came together today to learn from Mr Rose, a chef from the Scottish Parliament.  He showed us how to prepare a range of fresh fruit then gave us delicious fruit kebabs to try with yoghurt, raspberry coulis or granola he had specially made for us earlier.  Then he used more raspberries, bananas, honey and milk blended together into a tasty smoothie for us. These are awesome ways to eat more fruit !

We then got to see a range of the Scottish produce that is served at the Scottish Parliament.  The catering team there use Scottish ingredients as much as possible to show off Scottish food to the MSPs and visitors.  They also reduce the distance food has to travel and the pollution this would cause.  They make sure to use sustainable ingredients – this means that the way the food is grown, made or caught is carefully thought about so we don’t run out.

We saw honey, oil, chicken, lamb, beef, cheese, chutney and salmon, then we got to taste smoked venison! Then for a grande finale Chef showed us different seafood from Scottish waters including rainbow trout, seabass, plaice and cockles.

It was an excellent presentation and Chef inspired us to try new tastes which we loved! Some of us are even thinking about the world of hospitality for our future careers.

A big thank you to Chef for his hard work, and to the suppliers who generous donated the samples for us to try.

Primary 5 Weekly Blog

Interdisciplinary Learning

This week we have been learning more about Kenya and how many layers of clothing you would have to wear to climb up Mount Kenya. You would also need to take suncream 8)


Last week we were so busy working that we didn’t manage to blog! We were comparing trees in Scotland and Kenya for an art task. Here are a few of our favourite comparison pictures.




For writing last week we wrote Weather Forecasts for Scotland and Kenya, comparisng the weather over a 5 day period. This week we used this learning to write an imaginative story set in Kenya, that included both facts about Kenya and clues about the weather. We also set a personal target and assessed our story against this target. Some of us met our target and some have a bit more work to do.


In maths we have been continuing to work on adding – and the cuboids and spheres have been developing our understanding of the upstairs downstairs method. Pyramids have been focussing on mental adding and can now add on in 2, 5, 10, 9, 11, 25, 50 and 100 from single-digit numbers.

Health & Wellbeing

We are continuing to learn football skills in P.E. and even managed a game of 5 a-side. We are developing our teamwork skills and out listening skills through our P.E. lessons.

***Awards went to Shay for improved handwriting; Cameron for mental maths and Nia for participating in an important ice-skating event*** Well done and remember that awards are handed out every week!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Anderson and P5

Primary 5 are still busy learning

Interdisciplinary Learning

This week we have started to learn about Kenya. We have looked at where Kenya is located, using both Google Earth and an atlas. We found out that Kenya is in Africa. We also found out a few other facts and have made a quiz for you to try at home. Click here and then type in the room number –  725865.

Art and Design

We have been thinking about our learning a few weeks ago – when we learned about straight and curved lines. This morning we used our skills in drawing straight and curved lines to draw bottles. We used both normal pencil and rainbow pencil to compare these resources. Here are a few photos of our work.

Nia, Carys, Emma C and Kaitlyn set up an art table in our class – we are very lucky to have such enterprising girls in the class. Here it is.

Miss Anderson thinks that this is a great idea but that we will have to keep it a bit tidier!


In maths we have been finding the difference and adding. The Pyramids have also been counting up in lots of 5 and 10, not starting from 0. This means that we have been learning new number patterns. An example is counting on in 5s from 2;

2,7,12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37…

That’s all for this week! Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Anderson and P5 8)

Art that looks good enough to eat!

Despite being a short week we have been very, very busy!

Art and Design

This week in art we have designed and made our favourite meal. You probably wouldn’t want to try to eat these meals as they are made from paper. Here are a few of our tastiest looking treats!

Numeracy and Maths

This week we continued to learn more about operations (+, -, x and /). We talked about function machines. On Thursday we all completed number triangles, which was fun. You can make your own – if you want to know how leave us a comment!


Jordan was our winner for the Commonwealth Game art competition. This means that Jordan’s picture will hang in a bedroom in the athletes village. We wonder if Usain Bolt might be the lucky athlete who gets to look at Jordan’s picture.

Miss Anderson and P5

P5 Passover

In RME this week we were learning about the Seder meal, the special meal Jewish people have to celebrate Passover. We had a pretend Seder meal in class. We tasted some of the traditional foods which each remind us of part of the Passover story.  Matzah (crackers) and Charoset (chopped apple) were yummy, the horse radish was more of a challenge.

Primary 5 learn about animal adaptations

Science/Health & Wellbeing

This week we have been learning about animal adaptation and how certain features help animals survive in their habitat. For example a polar bear has hairy paws to stop slipping on ice. They also have tiny ears to stop their eardrums from freezing. We worked in group sto create a booklet about certain animals – here are a few photos.


As we enjoyed creating our booklets we decided to write a short report about our animal. We had to include 2 paragraphs. The first paragraph included 3 facts about the animal and the second paragraph included 3 facts about the animal’s adaptations. We then read a partner’s work and gave peer feedback.


This week we started a new maths topic – addition and subtraction. We have all been reminding ourselves of the number bonds to 20 by playing games. We have also been adding on lots of ten to bigger numbers using mental strategies and the empty number line strategy. We have also been able to take away lots of ten from bigger numbers. We know that we have to start at the beginning of the line for adding questions and the end of the line for subtraction questions. Next week we will continue to work on this.


We were very excited this morning when we got to start using Didbook. Didbook is like a reflection diary but stored online (securely). We can update our Didbook diaries from home by visiting my.didbook.com and using our school email address to log in. Miss Anderson is already looking forward to reading and commenting on our entries.

That’s all from us – hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Anderson and P5 🙂

Meeting the Mascot!

This morning we were very excited to visit Broxburn Primary and meet Clyde, the mascot for the Commonwealth Games.

The mascot was a thistle, called Clyde. Clyde is very active and energetic, he loves to dance and have fun. He has met people who are competing in the Commonwealth Games this year. We also got pictures of Clyde, and one picture of us with Clyde. It was very exciting to meet him and we had loads of fun.

Check out our photos…

By Nia (P5) and Jake (P7)

Another Good Week for Primary 5

This week we have had another successful week in Primary 5! Here are a few of our highlights…


This week we have continued building up our maths journals – we now have 4 pages complete! We have been learning about Place Value,  and have been able to include an interactive Place Value pockets, a Place Value chart, explanations of key terms as well as digit, expanded and written versions of numbers. Now that we have all this information recorded in our journals we can always find the answer to Place Value questions (especially if we are stuck).


As well as our normal literacy work this week, we have also worked hard to learn Scots poetry. Chloe and Sophie were the class winners who got to recite their poems for the whole school (and visitors!). Jordan and Emma C were also finalists, so well done to the four of you.

Health and Wellbeing

This week has been filled with Health and Wellbeing learning. We have been developing our handball skills in P.E. and are now all able to use a good chest pass and a good bounce pass. Accuracy with passing is improving every lesson!

We have also been learning a bit more about growing up, and what we can expect to happen when we grow up. We understand that there are some changes that we can choose to make, and others that just happen. This morning we learned about life cycles. Here are a few examples of typical life cycle lengths;

– Poppies – a few weeks

– Frogs – a few years

– Humans – as long as 100 years.

We had to learn a few key words; metamorphosis being one. Any pupil (P1-7) who can comment with a good definition of metamorphosis will win a prize from Miss Anderson’s prize box.

Next week we will continue to learn about growing up and will be focussing on our feelings.

A few of us managed to log into Glow and look at the J2E tools. These tools allow us to create animations, graphs and pieces of writing (plus much more). If you know your Glow username and password you should check them out!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Anderson & P5 8)

Look what came today!

Our green flag

Early bird pupils were able to cheer on the raising of our Green flag as it was put in place first thing this morning! What a fantastic start to our week.

The Eco committee are still working hard on keeping our school recycling systems going, and encouraging everyone to use the litter bins. This month it is Primary 1 and 1/2 turn on the litter picking duty, so we’re sure the playground will be clean and clear. 

We are also planning an exciting competition which will take place in March. More details will follow, but in the meantime if you have an entertaining talent, keep practicing…

We noticed last week that some of the bulbs planted in the front border are already poking their leaves up to look for the sun, so it won’t be long til spring. Keep your eyes open and let us know if you see anything interesting growing in and around our grounds.

Breakfast Club

Our school Breakfast club is open from 8.10 to 8.40 am Monday to Friday. Breakfast is available FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL PUPILS and there is no need to book a table, just come along.

We offer a selection of cereals and yoghurt on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays we have toast with a variety of toppings, and a choice of fresh fruit.  Healthy drinks of fruit juice, milk or water are available every day. 

Come along and make the healthiest start to the day.

Make sure you have a good breakfast to fuel your learning til lunch!

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