Loom Band Crazy

Today at playtime some of us held a Loom Band stall. We had made lots and lots of bands but we didn’t have enough to meet demand. We have taken orders and are going to be busy over the weekend and early next week. Everyone who ordered a band should receive their band by Tuesday at the latest.

We raised over £20! Well done to everyone involved.

Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend – remember sun cream!

Miss Anderson and P5

“Freeze!” say Primary 5

This week we have been busy developing our skills in drama, particularly the freeze frame technique. We imagined that we were in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted. Here are a few examples of us in action.

We have also been learning how to reference information – it is really important that we share where we have found information that we use. We can do this by including the book title and author, as well as the page number.

We are one marble away from filling the jar. Fingers crossed for a treat next week.

We are looking forward to Sports Day next Tuesday – hope to see you then.

Miss Anderson and P5 8)

It was a blast!

Our assembly last week was such a blast – literally as a volcano erupted halfway through our performance. Luckily it was part of the plan so we were able to carry on with a song and a dance. It was lovely to see lots of people who care about us visiting school to see us perform – thanks for coming. We are still learning about natural disasters and will keep you up to date with our learning.

We have been reading and writing poetry as part of our reading focus. Some of us have been surprised at how much we enjoy writing poems and Miss Anderson has been pleasantly surprised at how emotive our poems are. Let us know if you want to read some and we will type them up for next week.

We’ll update more later in the week.

Miss Anderson & P5

Disasters All Round

Once again this week has been another busy week for Primary 5. We have had lots of different events including an exciting concert on Tuesday! We were lucky enough to be visited by the girlband 5Angels – what fantastic singers!

Our literacy focus this week has been poetry, and in particular the poems of Grace Nicols. We learned key vocabulary (personification, metaphor, stanza, verse) and talked about how poems make readers feel emotional. We also did a few freeze frames in role – can you guess what we were acting as?

Standing by the door, like a real little muggins, wanting to stay out, yet wanting to come in

In maths this week we all practised our times tables. Some of us know all the times tables to 10! We need to continue to develop this as next week we will move onto division and then fractions later in the term.

Disaster Island now has a family who are holidaying. They are Darren (the dad), Anna (the daughter/sister), Liam (the son/brother) and Meety the sausage dog. They are visiting Grandpa Joe, who lives on Disaster Island. We have learned about Tsunamis and will be learning about Volcanoes. Here is a photo of our family.

Photo credit: Sophie

We also took part in the memorial service for Miss Martin. We feel that this was a lovely way to remember her and look forward to seeing her tree grow big and strong.

We are working very hard on our assembly and everyone has created an invitation to take home. If you are a parent/carer of a P5 pupil and have not received an invite please ask your child to check that they have completed this.

We are all looking forward to the Bank Holiday on Monday and we hope that everyone remembers to stay safe.

Miss Anderson and P5

Do Billionaires need Friends?

This week we have been thinking about our reading and how we can ask powerful questions to learn more. We read an abridged version of Billionaire Boy by David Walliams and then worked in groups to create and answer powerful questions. A good way to know if a question is powerful is if it makes you think rather than remember. Here are a few examples of our powerful questions.

1. How would the story change if the main character was a girl?

2. What would life be like if the main character had a friend?

3. If the main character had one friend do you think he would want another?

4. What would be different if the main character had no money?

All of these questions made us think about the answer – we couldn’t just say yes or no.

We have also started our topic about natural disasters called Disaster Island. We are not quite sure what type of thing happens on Disaster Island, but it probably isn’t good! We’ll keep you up to date…

In maths this week we have been continuing with number work. The pyramids have been partitioning numbers that have hundreds, tens and units and comparing the pictorial form, written form and expanded form. The Spheres and Cuboids have been continuing to identify and continue number patterns and using function machines to add on in hundreds and tens. This has been quite challenging to start with but we all got there in the end and will continue to work hard on developing these skills. Next week the Pyramids will be counting up in tens and hundreds and matching digits to number words. The Spheres and Pyramids will be balancing sums and subtractions and using letters to represent numbers.

We still have our P5 Rocks display – with lots of samples to examine. If you have any examples of rocks that you find we would be interested in examining them and classifying them.

That’s all from us this week – hope you all have a lovely weekend. Remember we love to read comments about our learning so please leave us a message.

Miss Anderson and Primary 5

P5 Camp

What an exciting week we had at camp. Unfortunately we were unable to update the blog as we had no internet connection but  Miss Anderson and Mrs Bonner managed to take loads and loads of photos.

We ate and slept in the Henderson Building but most of the time we were outside with our instructors Ryan and Stevie. We took part in so many activities that it is difficult to remember them all – luckily we kept camp diaries. Our food was brilliant and everyone slept for at least 6 hours both nights.

One of our favourite activities was the night walk that we went on with the camp warden, Bob. We walked around the camp and were able to visit the grounds of Fordell Castle. We saw many different types of trees and plants. We also saw at least one deer and a bat flew over us.

We really have so much to share that this post would go on for ever so instead we’ll share a few photos…

Back to School and ready for Camp…

This week we have written our entries for the West Lothian Young Writer competition. Fingers crossed one of us will win!


We have been describing items using only a few words. It was pretty difficult to describe some items – but others were easier. See if you can describe a bee in 5 words. The best answer will win a prize from Miss Anderson’s prize box.

Numeracy and Maths

On Tuesday Mrs McCulloch introduced our new maths topic – Time. We will be learning lots about time over the next few weeks. We have started BIG Maths again and are looking forward to seeing improvements in our speed of recall for number bonds and table facts. We will continue with number work for a few weeks (times tables, missing numbers, number sequences and place value) before moving onto fractions of objects and fractions of numbers. We really have to learn our times tables for this – hopefully BIG Maths will help.

ICT across Learning

We are working hard to get used to using Glow. Miss Anderson has shown us all how to log into Glow and is busy working on getting passwords for everyone in the class. Hopefully everyone will have their password by this time next week. Everyone who has their password has access to the Primary 5 page (a link will be in an email on Glow). There is also a direct link for Brainpop, which means that pupils don’t need to log in to Brainpop. Other resources available on Glow include Twig on Glow (aimed at P5-P7) and Tig Tag (Aimed at P1 – P5).

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Anderson and P5

Primary 5 say farewell to Kenya

This week in Primary 5 we have been finishing off learning about Kenya. We celebrated this through our open evening last night and by handing in our personal projects this morning. Miss Anderson is very impressed with the quality and presentation of our projects and we hope you are too.

Enjoy the holidays!

Miss Anderson and Primary 5 8)

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