Anti-bullying week

In Primary 5 today we watched the Newsround special debate on bullying.  The big question was; is it better to PUNISH a bully or HELP them? A vote was held on the Newsround website and 47% said PUNISH, 53% said HELP.

Our vote was 50% PUNISH and 50 % HELP.  We then thought about what we do here in school already, and whether each thing was a punishment or a help.  Here are some of the comments from our discussion:

‘If you punish the bully, doesn’t that turn you into a sort of bully too?’

‘The bully gets to talk to the teacher, and they help the bully to understand their behaviour, and understand that we’re all like a big family here.’

‘They need to know there are consequences to what they do.’

‘We need to tell them to stop and give them a signal that what they are doing is wrong, and help them to understand that.’

‘We can set them a good example, that would be a help.’

‘When they get to write a letter of apology it helps the person who has been hurt too.’

What do you think about this question? Would you vote for PUNISH or HELP?


P5 Message

Hello this is Ella and Katie coming to the blog from Primary 5.

We were just coming online to see how people were doing today in our school?

Today was the P3 Assembly and it was amazing! We’d love to see if anyone has been on any school trips or if some classes have done an assembly lately and want to share?

In P5 we have been doing Spanish quite a lot but it is very fun and very good.

We have also been learning about landscapes, rivers and lochs and how they start at a mountain. The very top of a mountain is called the peak.

Some people taught P4 some Spanish and the others went through to P4 to learn German from P4. In P4 we were learning different types of animals in German. In P5 we were teaching them numbers up to 10, how to say hello and goodbye/ good afternoon in Spanish.

BYE BYE! (Adiós)

What a Spooky Bunch P5!

For writing this week, P5 created Halloween acrostic poems.  They were able to use their disco outfits to inspire some of their ideas and descriptive language.

We will post some of the fantastic poems soon.

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P5 Game Designers

We have been busy this week creating maths games to help people to learn their tables.  In pairs we shared ideas and agreed on a plan.  We had to make the game along with instructions and equipment.  It was great fun testing our games then sharing with others.

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Have a great October break everyone!

P5 & Miss McLennan

Primary 5 Weekly Blog

Last week Primary 5 were very busy learning about lots of different things.

We combined Topic, Art and Technologies to design and draw our own landscape pictures. We had to search for images taken in Sierra Leone and then use our skills in drawing. Most of us enjoyed using curved and straight lines to recreate our chosen scene.

In PE with Mrs Pender we have been learning a new dance and we think that the music is really good. Unfortunately we are not allowed to share the name of the song but it is a very upbeat song and  we have lots of great moves. One of our moves is to stop with our hands pressed against a wall, another is to drop down to the floor. We can’t give away any more clues! We are looking forward to starting African Dance with Mrs Campbell.

Our Maths theme is division and each group is learning to divide numbers. It can be quite tricky to divide and learning times tables off by heart really helps to make dividing easier. We have been learning different strategies to help (but will keep learning our tables).

We all have a Didbook diary that we can add our reflections to. This means that we do not need to write in our Reflection Jotters anymore.We also have a profile that we can update to show what we want to learn in the future.

It is not long until we head off to camp. Kingswing here we come…

Until next week,

Primary 5



Glow Scotland

This week your child will bring home their Glow username and password. The weblink for Glow is and it can be accessed through any device with an internet connection. As well as lots of educational resources, Glow provides access to your child’s school email account and Office 365. This allows your child to use Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint from anywhere with an internet connection, even if it is not installed on their device.

Once your child has successfully logged in they will be able to access the Apps available (including Brainpop and TigTag World). They will also be able to access the School Site by clicking on the App as pictured below.

At the moment the School Site is being developed and will contain more content as time goes on.

When your child logs on for the first time they will need to agree to the following Glow Community Rules:

Be Secure

Always keep your Glow password to yourself.

Always sign out of Glow when no longer using it.

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Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that is inappropriate or likely to cause harm or offence to others.

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Don’t share your personal details with other people.

Never agree to meet someone in person who you have only met on the internet unless accompanied by a parent, carer or other known and trusted adult.

Speak to an adult immediately if you see a message, image or anything else on the internet that concerns you

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Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that you do not have permission to use.

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Always be mindful that once you put something online, that information may be beyond your control.

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content online that you would not wish other learners, teachers, or parents to see.

Remember that anything you do can be traced back to you.

If you misuse Glow, this can be reported to your school.

Upper school pupils should have already accessed Glow in school and tried out a few of the resources available. If your child has any problems accessing Glow they should inform their class teacher or Miss Anderson.

Further information about Glow is available Here.

Sum Dog School Code

If your class is using Sum Dog ( then your teacher will give you your username and password. This will let you use Sum Dog in school. If you want to use Sum Dog out of school you will also need to use our school code. Our school code is:


If you highlight this code and then copy and paste onto the Sum Dog log in page then you will be able to get logged in at home.

Happy Learning!

Miss Anderson 🙂

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