P5 are using Didbook

P5 have been increasing their use of Didbook.  This is an online space for recording and reflecting on learning.  Here is an example of what it looks like and a short entry from Jay in P5:

Didbook entry

We will keep you updated on how we are using this later in the term.

P5 – P7 have all been given logins for Didbook and can access this from home.

Term 4 Learning Overviews

Each term, teachers create a learning overview.  This is sent home with each child and a copy can be found here.  These are valuable sources of information to allow you to help your child at home with their learning.  Communication between home and school is a central part of making a difference for all children.



Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  All P1 Pupils – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4 P1 1 P1 2



Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:   P2 pupils in P1-2 class – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  P2-3 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P2-3 1


Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term: P3 – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

p3 1p3 2


Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term: P4 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P4 1P4 2


Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:    P5 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  P6 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P6 1P6 2



Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:   P7 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P7 1P7 2

Primary 5 Book Sale

Primary 5 are delighted to announce that they raised £133.85 on Tuesday.  This money will go towards buying some new toys for the playground.

Miss McLennan was very proud of everyone on the day.  They showed fantastic skills in using money as well as persuasive techniques in their sales.

Thank you to everyone for donating books or buying from our stall.

P5 Book Sale

Today P5 had a book sale and they sold a lot of books to different classes.

They had stuck a lot of stickers with prices and made different signs for different types of books.

They carefully priced the books and categorised them.

P5 are raising money for new playground toys.

By Aiden, P5

“I learned how to run a book stall and when I’m older I’ll know how to do it” Hallie

“I learned how to half coins” – Katie C


“It was fun because I was able to count the money” – Lauren

“We learned how to run stalls so when we’re older we can get a good job.  I moved our class spaceship to the employability skill planet!” – Mya McPhail


Primary 5 Learning Reflections

“Next week I want to improve my maths by making it harder by challenging myself.” (Georgie, P5)

“The best part about maths was doing the adding chimney sums because I like adding and setting out the sums.” (Katy R, P5)

“I was successful when I was doing maths with Mrs Comrie because I was quick at it.” (Ewen L, P5)

“The best part about reading was being the illustrator because I got to make a poster” (Lauren, P5)


Primary 5

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P5 have been learning all about different types of extreme weather.  We have really experienced some of our own extreme winds in West Lothian this week!


Primary 5

Happy New Year from everyone in P5!

P5 have had a busy week at school. We started the week by meeting Miss Brown who will be teaching in Primary 5 as well as Miss McLennan.

We have been finishing off our time topic in maths. We all need to keep practising our time skills by using clocks outside of school and looking at different travel timetables.

Our famous Scot focus is Alexander Graham Bell. We have learned about his life and what led him to inventing the telephone. We have designed our own phones and look forward to building them next week. Please remember to bring in packaging for junk modelling ASAP.

We’re looking forward to Miss Brown starting our new topic with us on Monday. Can anyone guess what it might be from these scrambled word clues?


Have a nice weekend everyone!

P5 and Miss McLennan


P5 Christmas Placemats

There was fantastic effort put into the placemat homework challenge. It was a very hard decision with so many super designs but the overall winner was Jed.

Well done Jed!

Merry Christmas everyone,

from P5 and Miss McLennan


Sporty P5

Primary 5 have tried out lots of new sports this week.  They attended a cluster Handball Festival on Monday.  Miss McLennan & Miss Young were very proud of their teamwork, effort and behaviour.  On Wednesday they had a go at Fencing!

Handball Festival
Handball Festival

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