P5 camp to Fordell Firs

Mr Eagleson visited the campers at Fordell Firs this afternoon, in fantastic weather. They were having a great time and really challenging themselves with climbing, abseiling and caving.

The pupils are due back to school at approx 2:15 tomorrow and can be collected then or at the end of the day at 3:15.

Outdoor Learning (P4-7)

A Miss McLaughlin post this time…

On Friday, both the upper and lower school trialled our new approach to Golden Time. Children were able to sign up to a particular activity and were in mixed groups to take part. It was lovely to spend time with some familiar faces! Below are photos from my Outdoor Learning group – we had a smashing day for den building and the teams were fantastic!

Looking forward to next week’s session already!

Until then…
Miss M & the Outdoor Team 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 got stuck in with papier mache! 

We have started a new mini-project with Miss Mulholland – to construct volcano models and then make them explode!

We started by looking at the different parts of a volcano such as the crater and magma reservoir. Then, we used papier mache and plastic bottles to build the main structure of our volcanoes.

Next time, we will look at examples of real-life volcanoes and use these to create landscapes for our models. Finally, we will make them explode. This will tie in well with our Science learning as we will soon be looking at chemical reactions. Photos and videos to come!

Check in with us to see how we are getting on!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Miss McLaughlin made a not-so-clever mistake and forgot to send the P5 certificates to assembly!

Here are our winners for the first week back! Well done girls!

Check in with us next week to see who the winners are!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

Yesterday, P5 ventured out of school to visit Dynamic Earth. 

We became Time Lords and travelled back through the years to the beginning of the universe, learned about the Big Bang and how land was constructed/carved from volcanoes and glaciers.

We also got to take part in a fantastic ‘Natural Disasters’ workshop where we learned more about volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes and meteors.

Below are a few photos from the day (more to come from Mrs Bonner’s camera!).

We had a brilliant time. Thanks to Sarah-Jane and Kirsty Brown for coming along with us.

We hope you have a fantastic Easter and will see you after our much-needed two week break!

Joyeuse Paques!
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Football Team


Our school football team looked fantastic in their new sponsored strips on Friday.  Many thanks to the parents who help the coach, David, at the matches.  If you are interested in being more involved in supporting our team – please let us know.

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 were learning about dissolving.

We learned that dissolving meant that the particles of one material mixed with a liquid to create a ‘solution’. This means that the material is ‘soluble’. If the particles cannot mix with a liquid, it is ‘insoluble’.

We tested different materials to see if they were soluble or insoluble. We use the same measure and temperature of water to make sure it was a fair test.


We found that chalk and sand were insoluble. Flour, coffee and salt were soluble. We were unsure about gravy as some of it dissolved, but not all. We wonder if the temperature of the water would make a difference – what do you think?

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

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