P5 Camp

Many thanks to the parents/carers who made it along to this evening’s information meeting on the P5 Lendrickmuir camp.  If you couldn’t make it, the powerpoint is available to download below.

Remember that permission slips and £40 deposits are due in by 14 November.  If you find this difficult please speak to a member of staff, we would not want any child to miss out on this fantastic learning and development experience because of money.

Lendrick Muir Presentation PUSCPS

Shared Snack

We are nurtured and healthy in Primary 5 and  love spending quality time together eating snack. Today we had the choice of toast, beans, carrots and mandarins.

Golden Time

Primary 2-7 pupils signed up to their chosen golden time activity this week and had great fun playing with peers from different classes. All classes have been learning about Rights and Responsibilities since returning to school and article number 31 is a favourite – we have the right to play.

Building is great fun!
We had a great time playing field games.
I really enjoy art activities.
Outdoor play is great fun!
We made vehicles and raced them.
We loved construction!

Primary 5

Just a reminder that the P5 ‘Medieval Market’ showcase will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 2pm.

Parents, carers and friends of the school are welcome to come along. We are really looking forward to showing off our hard work!

The lovely builders who made our market stalls will be there too and Stuart from the West Lothian Courier will be taking photographs.

We hope to see you there!

Until then…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Health Week Carousel

After yesterday’s karate input our Health Week continued today with the first set of a series of carousel activities.  This is where each member of staff offers a 30 minute activity and pupils, in their Pumphie Pals groups, rotate around these.  On the carousel today and tomorrow are:

  • Meditation
  • The Eatwell Plate – food nutrition
  • Curling
  • Sun Safety (ironic today)
  • Healthy Lunchbox choices
  • making fruit smoothies
  • Dance
  • Hula Hoops
  • Go Noodle (movement and mindfulness activities)
  • Yoga Bugs
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Blind food tasting

Primary 5

Primary 5 will be hosting an open afternoon to showcase the results of their ‘Medieval Market’ project. 

It will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 2.00pm. Parents, carers and friends of the school are invited to attend. Stuart, from the West Lothian Courier, will also be there to take photographs. Please let us know if you would not like your child to be photographed.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 made some explosive discoveries!

In teams, we had made model volcanoes with Miss Mulholland. Next, we had to put on our Science hats and do some investigating – which combinations of materials (such as Mentos, cola, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid) would create the most explosive chemical reaction?

We worked in teams to test different combinations and then fed back to the rest of the class. It seemed the most effective combination was vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. So, we prepared our volcanoes for the imminent explosions and added a touch of food colouring to make the liquid more ‘lava like’. Here are some of our explosions below.

We are looking forward to seeing what our next mini-project with Miss Mulholland will be!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

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