Primary 4

Last week we had a food tasting session where we tasted a variety of different types of foods including; mozzarella cheese, avocado, watermelon and mango.  At first most of the children weren’t sure about tasting the mozzarella cheese however, in the end it turned out to be the favourite food item we tasted.  This week we have been researching where these different foods come from.  We have started to gather facts and information to make a poster and a Powerpoint to share with the class.

Today was a very different day in Primary 4 and we had lots of new teachers in our class.  Thank you to Miss Mullen, Mr Muir, Miss Marson, Miss Duncan-Hamilton and Miss Sulik for all your hard work and fantastic lessons today.  We hope all the boys and girls will have their homework ready for Miss Mullen on Monday!

Primary 4

Red Nose Day – Update

Congratulations to all of our pupils and staff who did a job swap and made this day a success, I think we all had a great day and all deeply enjoyed it.

Thank you too to everyone for your generous donations.  We have raised £295.73.

Mr Lewis Taylor

Head Teacher for the day

Miss Speirs says thank you to all of the other wonderful Head Teachers who took part today; Miss Toal, Miss Neilson and Mr Elder who did a fantastic job.

Primary 4

We  went to a Bench Ball Festival on Monday it was awesome and we won some games.   Everyone in the class earned a certificate for being a Good Sport.  We also watched a bit of The Human Calculator .  He is a man who calculates big maths problems in his head!  We then tried this on Mrs Dugan (who wasn’t as good) and used a calculator to check her answers.   Next week we are looking forward to taking part in World Maths Day.   Thank you to Primary 6 for showing us how to log on and use the website.

Aimee , Millie and P4


The most active players in the past week were:

Ross – P7

Bayleigh – P6

Zoe – P6

Cameron – P6

Dolce – P5

Well done everyone!

Keep practising your mental maths, you could be the next ‘Human Calculator’ !

Primary 4

This week we have been learning about food and where it comes from.   We used a website called Food a Fact of Life it told us lots of facts and we watched a video and played a game called Plant or Animal.  We had a visit from Scottish Power and we learned the dangers of electricity and the reasons not to play with or near electricity.

by Aimee and Millie

We know how to keep safe with electricity!

On Wednesday James from Scottish Power came to our school to talk to each class about electricity.  He told us all about electric cables and how we can stay safe with switches, plugs and power boxes.

Here are some facts we remembered:

  • Plugs have 230 volts in them.
  • We should switch off switches to help us keep safe.
  • Trains take 1 mile to stop.
  • There were 3 cables the orange one was for the garden, the black one is for your TV and the white one is for the kitchen.
  • Insulators are materials like rubber that electricity can’t travel through.
  • It can travel through conductors.
  • Power boxes are extremely dangerous and we shouldn’t go near them.

We got to hold 2 different big electricity cables. James had a black crow with a yellow nose called Sparky to help teach the little classes about being safe.                                                                                              

By Ellie Hamilton and Shea McEwan (…a little help from Amy Barnett and Miss McLennan)

Primary 4 Topic Homework

Primary 4 to help us learn more about where food comes from we are going to use the website Food a Fact of Life.  Firstly Google search Food a Fact of Life.  Once you are on the home page click 8-11 years along the top of the page. Next click Food and Farming then scroll down until you see the heading Interactive Resources.  Click on the game that is called – Where does your food come from?Play the game and then we will share it together at the end of this week.

Primary 4


This week we have been learning about Children’s Rights and that every child in the world has the right to an education.  We  watched a clip of  children in Africa and discussed how different their school was to our school.  We made posters to show some of  the values of  education.  Then we shared what we had learned with the whole school at our Rights Respecting assembly. 

                       by   Jordan and Carys

Primary 4

This week we had a visit from Ewan McVicar.  He told us about some of the different types of food they grow and eat in Africa.    We learned about some foods we had never heard of before like Paw Paw, Cassava and Plantain.   He also told us an interesting and exciting story about the journey of a bird migrating from Scotland to Africa.  We then designed and created our own birds which were unusual and that we had never seen before.  These birds will be sent to a school in Livingston in Zambia as part of The Bird Exchange project.   Below are some pictures of us creating our unusual birds.

Scot’s Afternoon

This week saw our very successful Scot’s afternoon for the senior citizens of Pumpherston and Uphall Station as well as many of our parents and grandparents.  The children all worked hard to learn a selection of Scot’s poems and a several traditional scot’s songs and P5 learned a dance, which they performed with great enthusiasm.  The afternoon was a great success and the audience appeared to enjoy it thoroughly.

Our PM Nursery class
P5 dancing
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