Spring Home Learning Task
Arrangements for Monday
Good evening all,
As you will know by now our school and nursery are open on Monday 5th March.
On Monday breakfast club will be closed. There will be no milk available and pack lunch menus may vary from what has been planned.
Pupils should enter through the main school entrance, as close to 8:50am as possible.
Please take care when using the turning circle, as there are limited drop off spaces.
The main footpath to the school entrance is clear.
We will monitor the situation throughout the day and groupcall you about pick up arrangements for the end of the school day.
The nursery will open at normal times but there will be no breakfast club.
At the moment we presume that those who already attend P1-3 dance after school will be on, if this is cancelled we will groupcall parents in the morning.
There is further information available on the council website:Â https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/schoolclosures
We look forward to welcoming all our children back.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
P4 Junk Modelling
The third snow day in a row… WOW! I hope you are all enjoying the snow and have been doing some very exciting activities. I have seen a few people on the school Twitter account already!
Since the bins are not being collected due to the snow, I thought we should take this opportunity to ask parents for their help!
Primary 4 are beginning to look at their local area and all the different parts of it, including housing, leisure, jobs and the school.
We would be very grateful if you could help us by collecting any junk modelling materials (cardboard boxes, kitchen roll tubes, etc) for us to make model houses and parks. Please ensure the junk is clean however.
Thank you for your support and thank you in advance for any pieces of junk you can send our way!
Miss Mulhern
PUSCPS World Book Day Rescheduled!
Author Visit for P4-7: David Goutcher
As part of our World Book Day celebrations Primary 4-7 will take part in author visit on Tuesday 6th March. David Goutcher is the Scottish author and games developer of the children’s books, Spy Quest.
Children will have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of his book for £6.99 payable by cash or cheque.
We did have a letter about this event about which was meant to go out to parents/ carers on Wednesday.
Primary 4 Snow Day!
Good morning everyone.
I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful snow! Remember there are lots of snow day activities for you to complete on the blog and any work you do can be brought in and shared with the class when we return.
Here are some creative activities you can try:
Snowy picture or painting
Snowy personal story (remember to include thoughts and feelings)
A Tom Gates inspired story with pictures and words
Practise your times tables using snow/snowballs
Read a book
Draw a map of your local area and label it
Watch Newsround and draw or write about what you found out
But mainly, have fun with your family and friends in the snow! I would love to see any photos of you in the snow! I will see you when we return to school.
Miss Mulhern