Term 3 Celebration Assembly

Today we had our first Celebration Assembly to celebrate all our achievements during Term 3.

We had our first Dojo Top Scorers for each of our houses – they received a £10 gift voucher for WH Smith.

Each teacher nominated a child in their class for the Remarkable Reader Award for making progress in their reading.



They also  nominated a child in their class for the STEM Superstar Award for making progress in Science, Technologies, Engineering and Maths.

We gave out Sumdog Awards for the Top 5 in Reading and Maths during our Snow Days.

P7 Young Leaders who took part in the Families Reading Together session received a Head Teacher Award.

The children who took part in the West Lothian Burns festival received a Head Teacher Award.

Miai and Jessica told us about representing our cluster on a trip to London.

Almond won the house points for this term.

Well done to everyone who received an award, and thank you to the families who joined us.


Fundraising Friday! – Friday 23rd March

On Friday 23rd March the Magale Group have organised:

Movies for Magale

Children have a choice to watch one of 7 different films on Friday morning, for a contribution to our partner school in Magale. They can also purchase popcorn for 30p.

As world autism day is on 2nd April, for the dress down day on Friday 23rd March we are asking children to #LightItUpBlue and wear blue to raise awareness of autism for a small donation.

All money raised on this day will go to Magale.


Celebration Assembly – Thursday 15th March 2018

On Thursday 15th March we are holding our first Celebration Assembly to mark our achievements this term.

Teachers have nominated children for a STEM Superstar and Remarkable Reader Awards in each class, if your child is receiving one of these awards you should have received a special invite last week.

We will also be giving out Head Teachers Award, Sumdog Awards, Top Scorers and the House Winners, so please feel free to come along and and join us at 9:15am if you wish.

Primary 4 Sumdog Competition!

I have been keeping an eye on our Sumdog scores for the competition and I would like to say a big well done to those of us in P4 who have joined in! 7 people from our class have entered which means we only need another 3 people to play to qualify and get on the leaderboard!

Extra special mention to Ava B who has currently answered the most questions in P4 in the last 7 days. Well done Ava!

So come on Primary 4, we can do it  if we work together!

Families Reading Together

Today was our second session of Families Reading Together in our community library. Thank you to Moira, our librarian and our P7 Young Leaders for organising this. There is another session tomorrow after school, we look forward to seeing you then.

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