Primary 4 Health Week – Day 2!

We have been very busy once again for Day 2 of Health Week!

We began our morning by discussing our Emotion Works cogs and identifying which cog the words or phrases on the board came under; emotions, behaviours, body sensations, triggers or regulation strategies. This made way for a lot of discussion and we all had to justify our answers and agree as a class. We decided that some of them even came under 2 different categories depending on the feelings that you had towards them.

We then finished our PE from yesterday out in the sunshine. It was very hard work once we got to the final station!

We are trying to have healthy snacks this week so we are taking a daily picture of our healthy eaters! We had 5 yesterday and today we had 9! Well done guys!

After break we had a brilliant surprise in the hall, where we were looking at our bodies with the Glasgow Science Centre. There were lots of different stations teaching us so many different things from our organs, heat in our bodies and our memory:

to the effects that smoking and drinking have on our faces and our lungs!

It was a brilliant, active and interesting workshop which we all loved!

Then after lunch we had a visit from Active Schools and we did lots of athletics outside. We tried lots of different activities and were definitely tired out when we got back in the classroom!

I cannot wait to see what we get up to tomorrow for Day 3!

Primary 4 Health Week – Day 1

Today was the first day of Health Week at PUSCPS and to begin our week strong, we did lots of active activities!

We started off with some spelling activities outdoors to get lots of fresh air. We did a Pass and Spell game,


hangman on whiteboards in pairs,

and writing and drawing our words in chalk!

Some of us had brought in very healthy snacks today and we are hoping for more people to join in on our healthy snack photo tomorrow!

We all then had a go at curling in the lunch hall. It was quite tricky to throw the curl with the right amount of force so we all had lots of practise throws and then we had a mini competition between our 3 teams for Dojo Points!

Then to finish the day, we participated in the Daily Mile or the Daily Skip,

and then did a bit of PE outside where we are improving our fitness!

I am sure we will have another fun-filled day tomorrow!

WL Sum Dog Competition So Far …

So far in the competition …

Classes placed  out of 23:

  • 7th – P6
  • 20th – P4

Children placed out of 623:

  • 29th – Callum C – P6
  • 39th – Jack – P6
  • 40th – Emilia – P6

The competition runs until Thursday and all children can play at home as well as school.

Health Week & Sports Day

Dear parents/carers,

Health week will take place next week (4th– 8th June), with a whole range of exciting activities for the children taking place in school. On Monday – Thursday, children should wear sports gear appropriate for indoor and outdoor activities, remembering that football colours are not permitted. Children should wear school uniform on Friday. Please ensure they have a water bottle each day.

Sports day be will on the afternoon of Thursday 7th June, on the playing fields beside the school. It will commence at 1.15pm.  Should we have to cancel due to the weather, we will Groupcall you by 10.30am on that day.  Please note, due to health and safety, there will be no access to the school for spectators. Due to photograph restrictions, we ask that you only take photographs of your own child/ children.

Kind regards,

Morag Dickie

Acting Principal Teacher

Primary 4 Class Trip

We are learning to describe how weather affects humans.

I can experiment in making miniature weather.

I can explain what make the weather.

Primary 4 had an amazing time last week at Dynamic Earth for our class trip. We had a tour which began back in time and then went through lots of different climates, linking to our topic this term.


After lunch we got to participate in a Wonderful Weather workshop and create miniature hurricanes and lightening!

We then got to view a 360 degree film about space and how the Earth was formed. This film also showed us lots of the different jobs that people can have to do with space and science. Our children were able to link this back to our Developing the Young Workforce Week at school which was brilliant!

Our day was so much fun and we learned a lot from it but it definitely tired us out on the bus on the way home!

Developing the Young Workforce Week

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is a programme organised by the Scottish Government  that aims to better prepare children and young people aged 3–18 for the world of work. Last week we held our annual DYW Week in order to share with our children different a range of types of jobs/ carers and the skills, qualifications and values you require to fulfill these roles.

This year we had a range of speakers and visitors from our local community and beyond. We also used a website called Founders4Schools and our contact Arlene Nicol from West Lothian DYW to find people to visit us.

Our visitors included:

  • Mrs Edwards ~ Team Building Skills
  • Mr Walker ~ 35 Cycles
  • Mrs Gent ~ Community Midwife
  • Mr Cecil ~ STEM East
  • Ms Haston ~ Archaeology
  • Alison & Rachel ~ Narnia Hair Design
  • Mr Fish ~ Fire fighter
  • Mr Wilson ~ Postman
  • Ms Szawlowska ~ Carer/ student
  • Mr Mitchell ~ PBC Foundation
  • Kristy & Dawn ~ Dawnfresh
  • Applied Science Students ~ West Lothian College
  • Mr Russell ~ Wright and Maclennan Ltd
  • Jenny Cambell ~ Resilience Engine

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who visited us and helped to make it such a huge success. Ms Haston organised for WL Courier to visit us … So watch this space!

The learning outcomes we explored during the week were:

Nursery – P1:

  • I can communicate with people about the different jobs they do in my community.
  • I can discuss some of the rewards that a job brings
  • I can role play different job roles.
  • I can develop ideas and take part in projects to make things.


  • I can describe different jobs in my community and some of the skills needed for these.
  • I can learn about the world of work from visits, projects and my experiences.
  • I can talk to employers about myself and about their workplace.
  • I can recognise that there are different ways to get a job.
  • I can talk about the types of jobs that interest me


  •  I can discuss the relevance of skills to the wider world and make connections between skills and the world of work.
  •  I can explain to others my ambitions/what I would like to do and look for ways to achieve them/that.
  • I can recognise the skills I have and need for work.
  • I can apply my skills to get more information about jobs/careers.
  • I can identify different types of enterprise opportunities and engage in them.

You can find out more about our DYW Week by visiting our blog.

Primary 4 DYW Week

During Developing the Young Workforce week Primary 4 had some wonderful visitors in to tell us about their jobs.

We loved hearing from Mrs Gent the midwife about babies and how to care for them.

Some of our class were very knowledgable about this subject and gave us demonstrations of how to hold and burp babies!


We really enjoyed hearing from Mr Walker about his job building and customising motorcycles. We even got to design our own motorbikes!

Sarah-Jane came to speak to us about her archaeology job too and we were amazed at the types of things she got to do for work! We had a mini dig ourselves and found lots of different things, from pottery to bones!

This week has been really eye-opening and our class had such a great time! We even heard about different scientist jobs during our class trip to Dynamic Earth yesterday which  was linked back to our DYW Week by one of our pupils.

Thank you so much to all our visitors. We loved it all!

Primary 4 Digital Learning Week

We are learning to use Writer’s Craft.

I can continue the story using similar vocaublary and grammar.

I can end the story in a choice.


For Digital Learning Week in Primary 4 we worked together to create a “Choose Your Own Adventure” story with lots of other classes in West Lothian.

We were sent the beginning of a story written by 2 other classes and we had to continue the story up until the next choice.

We began by reading the story together and discussing the tense and some of the different features of the story. This would help us to write more continuing on later.

We then worked in groups to brainstorm some idea which we could use for our story. Groups worked really hard together and were so imaginative!

We then came back together and shared our ideas with each other, choosing little bits from everyone’s ideas to create the next part of our story. We had to end it in a choice however, as it was to be passed to two other classes the next day and finished by them.

We are still waiting to recieve the finsihed stories all put together in one PowerPoint so we can read our own story and even choose our own path through the story.

We can’t wait!

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