Our monthly dress down day is on Friday 22nd June. Donations will go to Magale.
Celebration Assembly – Tuesday 19th June
On Tuesday 19th June we are holding our second Celebration Assembly to mark our achievements this term.
Teachers have nominated children for a STEM Superstar and Remarkable Reader Awards in each class, if your child is receiving one of these awards you should have received a special invite last week.
Two pupils from Broxburn Academy are joining us to share their achievements and inspire us.
We will also be giving out Head Teachers Awards, Sumdog Awards, Top Scorers and the House Winners, so please feel free to come along and and join us at 2:15pm if you wish.
Sports Day
Uphall Station Gala Day
Primary 4 Health Week – Day 5!
So we have reached the end of Health Week 2018. Our class have done so well this whole week and I am so pleased at how much they participated in and tried new things.
Today we had our Health Week assembly where each class had to go up and tell the school about someting they had done during Health Week this year. We decided to talk about our fruit smoothies and how we prepared them.
We also got to join in with a Jump Start Johnny dance fitness video at assemly which is something that P5 had been doing this week.
Our healthy snack people for today:
Well done to you guys!
To finish off our healthy week, we went out for our Daily Mile and Daily Skip.
I hope everyone had a good week and thaat we are all feeling a little bit more healthy!
Primary 4 Health Week – Day 4!
Another fantastic day for Primary 4 this Health Week. I am betting that lots of us will sleep well tonight!
Today we began with some Kuk Sool Won which is a type of martial arts! We learned lots of different poses and how they fit together in a sequence. The most important part of Kuk Sool Won is focus and concentration to allow the student to become the best they can be. He also taught us about getting back up again if we fall and about resilience.
Then he showed us how they never hurt anyone and that everyone trusts each other which means they can train safely. He even used some of us to demonstrate!
Today for our healthy snack photo we had 10 children! Well done guys!
After break we tried some relaxation time with music, which was inspired by P6, and we got to bring in blankets and cushions so we could switch off and clear our minds. Some of us chose to just lie down, while others opted to sit quietly and draw.
We then participated in some Judo in the hall! We got to wear judo jackets and worked with partners to learn some judo techniques.
He also demonstrated with us!
(Remember that judo is not to be trained outside of a dojo or without a coach)
Of course, to end the day we had our 2018 Sports Day!
It was a beautiful day and each group tried their hardest on every station. We all did so well at our P4 races, even though we were very tired and warm by then!
We had the sack race first;
and then we had the flat running race;
Well done to everyone who took part and I’m sure we all did a brilliant job! We will find out the scores and winners tommorrow at assembly.
Please remember that tomorrow we are back to our normal school uniform!
P1- 7 Sports Day
Harry Potter Lunch Time Club
Some of our P5 children had an idea to run a Harry Potter Lunch Time Club. They made a plan of what they would do, collected the resources they needed and made up a register.
This week the focus was on creating a wand and everyone who came along said they really enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next session.
It’s that time of year when we start thinking about moving on. Our Primary 7 and pre-school children have already started their transition journey over the past few weeks and months.
Transition Challenge
As part of Health Week, P1 – P7 have been set a transition challenge to teach the new children coming into their stage about their learning, achievements and events this year.
Here is an example of the P7 challenge:
Here are the P6s hard work completing the challenge:
Watch this space for the final results!
Moving up MorningÂ
On the 19th June we will have our moving up afternoon when our children will have the opportunity to meet their new teachers.
Class Structure
Currently our class structure for next session is:
- P1
- P2
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- P6
- P7
*This is our current structure, however we are still awaiting our final numbers for Primary 1, so this may be subject to change if our numbers increase.Â
Primary 4 Health Week – Day 3!
We are on day 3 of Health Week now and my goodness our class have been busy again today!
To start us off today we looked at mental health and chose some mindfulness colouring sheets to colour in. We put instrumental music on and and chose to work in a place comfortable for us before we sat quietly and coloured. This helped us to calm down and to clear our minds.
10 people had healthy snacks today! Can we make it to 11 or maybe even higher tomorrow?
After break we had so much fun making our own smoothies! We had to make sure everything had been washed (including our hands!) and that the surfaces were clean before we could begin. We were working in pairs or threes and we had to pick 2 or 3 different fruits to put in our smoothie. We could choose from pineapple, mango, banana, pear or apple.
Then we were able to work together to cut the fruit, measure the orange juice and pop in some natural yoghurt! All of this was added together in the blender.
We then blended the fruit together with the help of an adult and watched as it changed colour!
All of our smoothies were slightly different and tasted different too! We each got to have at least 1/2 a cup of smoothie, although some people chose to half less if they didn’t enjoy theirs. Thankfully we mostly had some very happy faces!
After lunch we did some GoNoodle dances and yoga together and we were all very tired after that!
We had a break and then went for Daily Mile which we were running in the sun today!
Remember, it is Sports Day tomorrow so make sure you have your water bottles and are ready to go!
We also have a couple of visitors coming to see us and show us some new activities so be prepared for another update tomorrow!