Almond House Party

As Almond is the House Winner this term the house have decided on a Pyjama Party to celebrate their achievement. This will take place on Wednesday 10th October in the afternoon.   If your child  is in Almond they can bring pyjamas/ onesie (please no football pyjamas) to school on Wednesday to change into for the party.

Celebration Assembly Term 1

We celebrated our Term 1 achievements at our Celebration Assembly on Friday.

David Donnelly-Kay, a football coach from from Broxburn United joined us on Friday to tell us about his personal achievements and his career stepping stones. 

The first award we gave our was the Top Scorer Award for each House. They received a book shop gift voucher.

One child from each class was nominated by their teacher for the STEM Superstar Award, for achievements in Science, Technologies or Maths.

One child from each class was nominated by their teacher for the Awesome Author  for their achievements in writing. This is a new award this session as writing is part of our school improvement agenda.

The P7 Young Leaders who helped at our recent consultations received a Head Teacher Award.

Almond won the House Points for this term and have decided on a pyjama party on Wednesday.

We watched a video of our Term 1 achievements.

We also shared a surprise video for World Teachers’ Day.

P4 National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS)

Success criteria:

I can sing with others keeping in time and in pitch.

I can listen to more complex rhythms and copy them conveying my thoughts e.g. clapping, tapping on my body.

Primary 4 have been very lucky to have lessons with Miss Geoghegan from The National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS). Miss Geoghan has been using songs and games to teach the children about time, pitch and rhythm. This is helping the children to develop their skills and confidence in performing in an active and fun environment. The children have been very keen to take part in the songs and games and are looking forward to their next lesson.

Fun and games with Miss Geoghegan.







Listening carefully to guess who is singing!



Junior Leadership Teams

Our Junior Leadership Teams (JLTs) are off to a flying start this term.  Working in our JLTs helps us to live our values of positivity, understanding, support, confidence and success.

Each team met to discuss their plans for the year – these will soon be shared on each JLT’s notice boards within school.


House Captains

We are responsible for leading special activities, including Pumphie Pals.



Healthy Heroes

We are responsible for promoting healthy initiatives throughout the school.


Sporting Stars

We are responsible for raising awareness of sporting initiatives and for sharing new playground games we have learned.


Creativity Crew

We are responsible for investigating and sharing the ways creativity can enhance learning.


Pupil Council

We are responsible for representing pupil voice on all matters related to our school.


Global Group-Magale

We are responsible for fundraising, raising awareness and communicating with our friends in Magale.


Digital Directors

We are responsible for learning about how ICT can enhance our learning and sharing this with others.


Rights Respecting Rangers


We are responsible for raising awareness of the rights of the child and how these rights can be respected.


Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO)

We are responsible for raising awareness of road safety issues near the school and in the wider community.


Literacy Leaders

We are responsible for raising awareness and enthusiasm for various literacy initiatives.


Green Gang

We are responsible for raising awareness of environmental issues .


STEM Superstars

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

We are responsible for sharing our STEM learning to raise awareness and enthusiasm for STEM across the school.

Fun Time Friday

Today we had our first Fun Time Friday of the school year. Fun Time Friday is an opportunity for all our children to select an activity that they are interested in and take part in it with peers across different classes. We had a range of activities to choose from which the children brainstormed at Pumphie Pals last session.

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