Calder Neon House Party

Calder selected a Neon Party for receiving the most house points in term 3. Andrew and Charlie created a fun morning of musical bumps, greatest dancer and glow corners. Everyone also had fun dancing with their glow sticks. Thank you to all the P7s in Calder who helped to lead the party.

Congratulations Calder!


Calder Neon Party

Calder received the most House Points in Term 3.

The children have decided on a Neon Themed Party. This will take place on Friday 26th April at 9:30am. Children in Calder can wear bright coloured/ party clothes to school on Friday, they do not need to bring school uniform to change into. If they have any glow sticks or light accessories at home they may bring them to school.

We look forward to celebrating!

Easter Assembly

On the last day of term Mrs Cougan and our House and Vice Captains organised our Easter Assembly.  Mr Povey joined us to share the Easter message, as well as some of our families.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the assembly and to those families who could join us.

National Digital Learning Week: Developing the Young Workforce

National Digital Learning Week is 13-17th May.

If you have a job/ career/ interest in an aspect of digital technologies we would love for you to come and work with our children during this week. This could be a chat about your job and the skills and knowledge you require, or a workshop to show a class how to use an aspect of digital technology, for example, an app, photography, coding, etc.

Please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you. (Your data will not be shared with others).

Movies for Magale

On our last day of term Mrs Strachan and the Global Group organised a Movies for Magale Day. Children could opt into a movie they wanted to watch and also dress down in their own clothes.

We raised an amazing £200 for our partner school in Magale. A big well done to the Global Group and to everyone who donated.

Uphall Station Children’s Gala Day

Our school have been invited to take part in the Uphall Station Gala Day on Saturday 8th June. The theme this year is ‘tropical’. All children at our school can attend and walk in the parade to represent our school.

More information to follow.

Photos from the 2018 Gala


Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

On Thursday after school we opened our doors to our community for our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.

This event was organised by our Parent Partners, with support from the school staff.

Our children created art work to decorate the hall and we used our home learning task to decorate the tables.

The entrance tickets allowed access to the tea party and a range of different activities including:

  • sensory dips
  • caucus race
  • treasure hunt
  • crafts in our community library
  • decorate an egg
  • guess the bunny’s birthday
  • croquet
  • selfie photos
  • face painting

Thank you to Asda, Morrisons and Tesco for donated some items for our tombola, prizes and items for the teas party. It was lovely for some of their employees to also come along.

A huge thank you to our Parent Partners, Parent Craft Club, staff, everyone who donated home baking and to everyone who came along to join us. We will update you with the total raised as soon as possible.

Spring Home Learning Task


A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our Spring Home Learning task. It was lovely to use the placemats and table decorations as part of our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. You can see some of the designs below.

World Autism Awareness Day

Today we celebrated World Autism Awareness Day.

We all wore our favourite colours to show how we are all different.

Mr Ullathorne, one of our parents who works with Autism Initiatives took workshops with P2-7. They discussed autistic super powers, neurodiversity and sensory overload.

A big thank you to Mr Ullathorne for giving up his time to come and work with us.

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