Primary 4 STEM Learning

Our STEM topic has had a focus on space linking to maths within daily life, seasons, time, day and night.   In Writing the pupils wrote instructions for how to make a paper plate sundial including a title, goal, materials and steps.  To check if they had written a successful set of instructions the children then created the paper plate sundials by following instructions that were written by someone else rather than their own.  They were then able to give feedback on what went well and what could be improved by peer assessing using the peer assessment placemats in order to link their feedback to the success criteria.

Finally, the children participated in the ‘Let’s Make a Sundial’ challenge to design and create a sundial using readily available resources. 

Primary 4 – Internet Safety Week


To explore the term ‘online identity’.


I can discuss my online identity and how I present myself online.

As part of Internet Safety week, P4 explored who they are online.  This included through profile pictures they have chosen, usernames, or the characters or avatars they like to use in games and how they choose what these look like.

Pupils completed an identity wheel to record how they represent themselves online without using their names.   The wheels were then shuffled and redistributed to allow pupils to explore how safe each method was.

School Values Consultation

As a school we recently consulted on what our community think our core values should be. Our core values are the fundamental beliefs of our school and are the guiding principles that dictate our behaviours.
Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire which will help us determine our school values.

The questionnaire will close on 13th March 2020.

Developing the Young Workforce – Call for help!

This term our class contexts for learning are as follows:

If you feel you can contribute to any of these contexts by talking about your job, skills, experiences, etc. We would love for you to help us. Please contact the office

tel: 01506 280995

or fill out the questionnaire below.


February Holiday

Please remember that the school is closed on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th for the February holiday.
Our nursery is closed Friday 14th and Monday 17th. It reopens Tuesday 18th.

Dress Down Day Fundraising

The recent amounts raised for our Dress Down Day was:

P1: £ 10.45
P2: £12.39
P3: £20.51
P4: £19.50
P5: £14.30
P6: £0
P7: £13.00
Thank you to everyone who contributed. We will add this to the amount raised in our previous dress down day and classes will selected resources for Together Time.
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