UNICEF Day for Change

We will be supporting UNICEF’s Day for Change next Friday by having an Inside Out Day.   Children can come to school on Friday 8th February wearing their clothes inside out!  In return children are asked to bring a donation of 50p to help supprt UNICEF’s vital work.

Primary 3

This week in writing Primary 3 wrote a Health article all about the heart. In maths we have been learning about fractions and halving and doubling numbers. Primary 3 have been also been researching about daily life in ancient Egypt for their topic.

Sleigh bells ring…

We want to show off some of the super sleighs our children have designed and built for Santa this December! He will have a difficult job choosing between gold, glitter, rocket speed, reindeer power, and even time travel machines.

Planting a winter woodland

On Friday 14th December Primary 2 and 3 were well wrapped up in the cold and frost to work with our friends from the Oatridge campus of Scotland’s Rural College.  They planted tree seedlings from the Woodland trust around the perimeter fence at the SUDS pond area of the school grounds.  These little plants will grow in to rose, hawthorn, dogwood and holly hedges and encourage lots of different wildlife into the nature area at the pond.  One special seedling was not planted – a Royal Oak, grown from seed collected from one of the royal household estates. This will be given a special position closer to the school, as part of the Jubilee Wood project.

Winter Ready

Notification of any disruption to school provision, including before school starts or while the school day is running, will be transmitted to parents through the Groupcall text messaging system. It is essential that we have up to date contact details for all children – please ensure that you contact the school office if your child’s information needs to be updated. WLC will also provide information via announcements on local radio stations such as Forth One and Real Radio. Social media websites may also be used by WLC. Continue reading “Winter Ready”

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