P3 with a Chef!

Last week a Chef (Mr Mellor) made ice cream in our classroom and we got to taste it. It was amazing!  He let us ask him questions on how to make food. He told us recipes. 

My favourite bit was:

Primary 3

We have been researching the different kinds of animals that can be found in Madagascar and finding out facts about their diet, habitat and behaviour. We worked in pairs to display our facts on a colourful poster.  In writing we have been making lists of what our “wants” and “needs” would be if we were to be stranded on a Desert Island. We all agreed that food, water and shelter should go on our “needs” list.

Primary 3

For our topic Primary 3 are comparing the Island of Coll in Scotland with Madagascar. We have been becoming familiar with using an atlas to look up countries. We have been using the index and coordinates to help us. We enjoyed working with a partner setting challenges to find different countries in the atlas!

Primary 3 football

Primary 3 finished their 5 week course today of football skills with James from Broxburn United Sports Club. During the 5 weeks, primary 3 learned the importance of being healthy and fit and also how important it is to offer encouragement to your team mates. Today all the class received medals to take home for all their hard work over the last few weeks.

Look what came today!

Our green flag

Early bird pupils were able to cheer on the raising of our Green flag as it was put in place first thing this morning! What a fantastic start to our week.

The Eco committee are still working hard on keeping our school recycling systems going, and encouraging everyone to use the litter bins. This month it is Primary 1 and 1/2 turn on the litter picking duty, so we’re sure the playground will be clean and clear. 

We are also planning an exciting competition which will take place in March. More details will follow, but in the meantime if you have an entertaining talent, keep practicing…

We noticed last week that some of the bulbs planted in the front border are already poking their leaves up to look for the sun, so it won’t be long til spring. Keep your eyes open and let us know if you see anything interesting growing in and around our grounds.

Primary 3

Primary 3 have been learning about using adjectives in their writing to make it more interesting. See if you can improve these sentences by adding some interesting describing words.

1. The boy ran down the street.

2. I walked round the house.

3. I put on my jumper.

Breakfast Club

Our school Breakfast club is open from 8.10 to 8.40 am Monday to Friday. Breakfast is available FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL PUPILS and there is no need to book a table, just come along.

We offer a selection of cereals and yoghurt on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays we have toast with a variety of toppings, and a choice of fresh fruit.  Healthy drinks of fruit juice, milk or water are available every day. 

Come along and make the healthiest start to the day.

Make sure you have a good breakfast to fuel your learning til lunch!

Primary 3

Primary 3 had a fantastic trip to New Lanark last week.

Miai T said “I liked dressing up in the old school clothes”.

Edward said ” I loved the Annie McLeod ride.”

Jessica said ” I enjoyed seeing how the Mill workers used to live.”

Ewen L said:  ” It was fun seeing the River Clyde.”

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