Primary 3


“We were measuring liquids to make a fruit punch” (Ellie Clark)

“You can measure liquids in L, cl and ml” (Rosa)

“We were measuring water using bottles,  jugs and containers” (Lilly)

“1000ml is the same as 1L” (Calum)

Primary 3

P3’s Seasonal Science Focus this year is ‘Trees’. We have been noticing lots of changes at this time of year.

We read a book called Leaf Man and decided to make our own autumn art using materials from nature. It was okay to use these leaves as they had fallen from the trees. We even found lots of small living things in amongst our leaves like insects and baby snails!


P3 Learning

” I have been learning about division.  I think it’s going well!” (Mathew)

” I was drawing my haunted house picture to help me with writing a story setting.” (Ava B)

“I have been picking autumn leaves as a homework challenge to make a piece of art like the story ‘Leaf Man” (Darcy)

“I have been learning my 2 and 5 x table and starting to divide.” (Calum)

P3 Puppet Shows

P3 have been working on writing scripts and creating character for a puppet show.  We filmed them and you can see the results on our Vimeo site by clicking the videos below.


Thinking Back Looking Forward Pupil Profiles – P2-P7

Today pupils in P2 – P7 will bring home their THINKING BACK LOOKING FORWARD profile for this term.    This is a profile of what your child sees as their progress in learning so far this session and also includes a summary of the pupils’ current strengths and next steps from the class teacher.  Pupils in nursery and P1 will have learning to share through the Online Learning Journals system.

This is a new approach to reporting to parents for us this term and – as discussed in September’s newsletter – it forms a part of our FAMILIES LEARNING TOGETHER – SHARING LEARNING programme which we are developing this session.

We hope you find these new mid-year profiles more useful that the old-format final report in June.  Please bring your copy along to your appointment on Wednesday or Thursday evening and you can discuss it with the teacher then.   All pupils took home an appointment slip for parent appointments on Friday – if you don’t have yours – please call the office.

Steven Eagleson



Termly Learning Overviews – Term 1 2016/2017 (August-October)

Each term class teachers plan the areas of focus for this term’s learning.  These overviews are shared with home and with the pupils.  The overviews for this term below were sent home in September with each child.  You can check them here and download a copy of your child’s plan.  This can help frame a discussion with your child on what they are learning and where they are finding success or challenges.


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P1 pupils in P1 and P1/2 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for all P2 pupils in P1/2 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P2/3 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P3 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P4 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P5 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P6 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P7 class

Shelter Building from a wet P3

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P3 braved the windy and wet weather today to visit Almondell & Calderwood Country Park.  They showed excellent problem solving, teamwork, learning of new skills and confidence.

Children  worked in groups to build their own shelter then the shelters were tested to see whether they met the agreed criteria.

They remembered that one of their rights is to have a safe shelter.

The shelters were so good that we considered camping for the night but we had forgotten our sleeping bags.

Well done P3!

Friday 7 October 11am – Families Learning Together – Session 1

Next Friday is our first Families Learning Together – Sharing Learning session.  This is for pupils in P2 to P7.  Anyone from home is welcome to come along and share the pupil’s learning.  Please ensure the reply slip is completed and returned so we know who is coming – for security.  The invite below is downloadable from the link – has been emailed – and is in each child’s bag.

If necessary – a simple note to the class teacher on whom to expect will be sufficient.  We look forward to seeing you then and are all very excited at building on our programme of developing home engagement with learning.

Steven Eagleson


Click here to download a copy to print:  flt-invite-reply-slip

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