Primary 3

We have had a very busy week.   James from Broxburn United has been visiting us on a Wednesday for P.E.  He spoke to us about the importance of encouragement and that water is our most precious resource!  We were given a gift of a water bottle to keep us hydrated!

In Maths, we started the week by creating our own frequency tables to show peoples’ favourite things.  Next week we will be creating bar graphs with our data.   In number, everyone has been learning about the value of digits dependending if they are in the ones, tens, hundreds or thousands place.  Some of us even managed to talk about tens of thousands.

We are looking forward to next week.

P3 🙂


P1 Christmas Nativity Performance

Our P1 pupils performed a fantastic nativity play “Wriggly Nativity” on Wednesday.  The P2 and P3 pupils supported as the choir and they were great too.

Well done to all the boys and girls and thank you for the help at home and a huge thank you and well done to Mrs Strachan and Miss Cave with Mrs Campbell, Miss McLennan, Ms Ross and Mrs Stanton.




Primary 3 have been learning to create maps of their story village.  They had to imagine what a bird would see if flying above the village.


Responsible Learners

Primary 3 planned and prepared letters to send to our local garden centres to ask if they would be able to donate some bulbs for us to plant on the 10th December during our Tree Planting event. Maja and Matthew walked to the post office, bought stamps and posted the letters on behalf of their class. We hope to hear from the garden centres soon.

Primary 3 IDL

We have finished our characters and setting for our new topic.  We are now waiting to see what is going to happen in our village, ‘Springtown’.   We have been developing our art skills through designing our village and characters using different materials.   It was very tricky to keep to the right scale as everyone was contributing to the display.


Can you see the things we decided a village needs?

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