Golden Time

Primary 2-7 pupils signed up to their chosen golden time activity this week and had great fun playing with peers from different classes. All classes have been learning about Rights and Responsibilities since returning to school and article number 31 is a favourite – we have the right to play.

Building is great fun!
We had a great time playing field games.
I really enjoy art activities.
Outdoor play is great fun!
We made vehicles and raced them.
We loved construction!

P3 Roots of Empathy

P3 are happy to be part of the Roots of Empathy (ROE) program this year. This program teaches children about feelings through regular visits from a baby and her parents.

We had our first visit from Mrs Brutin, our ROE instructor, this afternoon. She talked to us about what will happen in our ROE sessions and showed us some photos of the baby. We used our measuring skills to measure a doll and then used our estimating skills to guess whether the real baby would be bigger, smaller or the same size as the doll. P3 came up with lots of good questions about what the baby can do and we are going to ask these when we meet the baby and her parents.

Our first family visit (with the baby and her parents) will be in two weeks. Everyone is very excited to meet them!

Mrs Cullum and P3

A huge congratulations to Peyton Dervish in P1 and Calum Rose in P3 for their achievements at the West Lothian Young Writer of the year awards. They attended the awards at Howden Park Centre last night with their family and received a medal and prize.

Well done Peyton and Calum!

Highland Games

Everyone in P3 enjoyed a sunny Scottish morning at the cluster Highland Games today. From welly wanging to highland coo catching, lots of fun was had. The children had the opportunity to meet other P3 pupils from the cluster and showed excellent participation and behaviour.

Well done P3!

Primary 3 Learning

Oskars – I liked this week because of all of the activities.

Jessica – I liked when we were sorted into houses for topic. I’m in Gryffindor!

Mischa – I liked the food tasting with Jessica. I guessed the nachos and gherkins correctly!

Ethan – I liked the sorting hat. We all wanted a certain house. I wanted Slytherin and I got it!

Kai – I liked rounding numbers in maths because I really understood it!

Ellie Curran – I liked dancing with Mrs Cullum best.  I learned all the moves!

Maja – I enjoyed curling with Mrs Campbell! It’s when you push the stone to a target.  My team won twice and the other once.

Rosa – I liked getting sorted. I am in Gryffindor.

Mathew – My favourite thing this week was being sorted. I am in Ravenclaw.  I felt scared before sorting!

Aaron – My favourite part of this week was dancing to ‘Love runs out’.

Ava F – I liked cooking, we made fruity yoghurts.  I put grapes, strawberries, apples and pineapple in mine! I mixed up vanilla with orange and strawberry yoghurt!

Abbie – I liked watching Mrs Mooney with the hoola-hoops! She was very good!

Ellie Clark – I liked relaxing in meditation!

Ellie G – I liked dancing with Mrs Cullum!

Roman – I enjoyed making my fruity, healthy yoghurt

Jake – I liked hearing about our trip to the academy for the Highland Games!

Calum – I liked meditation because you got to relax.  I wanted to fall asleep and it was very comfy!

Chloe – My favourite was cooking with Miss McLaughlin.

Kyle – I liked when we were in karate.

Darcy – I liked Go Noodle with Miss McLennan.

Ava B – I liked doing different activities with Miss Morrison outside.

Aleisha – I liked guessing the foods with a blindfold!

Lilly – I liked the food-plate tasks in Miss Cave’s class!





Health Week Carousel

After yesterday’s karate input our Health Week continued today with the first set of a series of carousel activities.  This is where each member of staff offers a 30 minute activity and pupils, in their Pumphie Pals groups, rotate around these.  On the carousel today and tomorrow are:

  • Meditation
  • The Eatwell Plate – food nutrition
  • Curling
  • Sun Safety (ironic today)
  • Healthy Lunchbox choices
  • making fruit smoothies
  • Dance
  • Hula Hoops
  • Go Noodle (movement and mindfulness activities)
  • Yoga Bugs
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Blind food tasting

Primary 3



P3 have been exploring how you could measure the area of a space. We have been using non-standard units like 2D shapes, house points, cubes and pebbles. We compared different areas.

P3 have green fingers!

P3 had a lovely time this afternoon in our school garden with Sarah-Jayne.  We learned about 8 vegetable families. Each family’s vegetables grow and produce seeds in different ways from other families.

We prepared the planting beds, planted seeds and made sure they had water. We used our writing skills to label what we planted.

Hopefully we can go out again soon to check on things!

p3 🙂

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