P3 Blog

Yesterday we had GREAT fun during our visit from Zoo Lab! We got to touch and hold snakes, cockroaches, a frog, a hedgehog and a tarantula. Everyone was very brave and excited to see these unusual animals.

P3 Class Blog

P3 have had lots of fun doing expressive arts this week.

For dance, we had a taster session from Danceworld. We all had to stay on our spots and do the moves we learned at the same time.

For drama, we have started rehearsals for our class assembly. We have been learning about scripts, cues and stage directions.

For music, we have been practising singing our songs for the class assembly.

We used our literacy skills to write invitations for our class assembly and brought them home. Please check school bags if you haven’t received your invitation yet. The assembly will be on Friday 24th November. Please arrive at 9am for a 9.15am start.


P3 Achievements

We have been hearing about more achievements from outside school this week – what an impressive bunch we have in P3!

I opened my eyes under the water while swimming for the first time.

I learned to dive underwater for toys and swim on my back.

I learned how to do a ‘one hander’ on my bike and how to push pass in hockey.

I got very close to hitting the bulls eye in my first every archery lesson.

I was awarded this badge for moving up from Rainbows to Brownies.

P3 Achievements

Thank you to our P3 pupils who have already brought in their achievements from outside school to share with the class. We love to hear about what you get up to outside school so please remember to fill in your achievement slip and bring it in!

I did my first fun run at Addiewell and won my first medal. I am proud. I walked half way and ran the rest.
I learned to ride my bike without stabilizers. I went on a big bike ride with my sister and granny all the way to Morrisons and back.

P3 Blog

Here are some of P3’s highlights of the week:

“We were learning how to play hockey in gym. We learned how to push pass and dribble.”

“We had to stand at the green line and push the ball with our feet on the ground.” Cadence

“In science we learned about Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. He invented the x-ray machine during the Victorian era by mistake. If you are a scientist and you make a mistake, it can be a happy mistake because you can learn something new. It’s the same for our learning in P3!” Eve

“We learned about the skeleton. We had to cut out the bones and stick them together to make a big skeleton.” Olivia P

“We have been learning our times tables in maths. We need to be confident and count up in fives.” Aiden N

“In Maths Talk we have been learning to build a bridge to another friendly number to help us add.” Connor L


P3 Medal Winners

We love hearing about your achievements from outside school. Today two of our P3 pupils showed us their medals that they won at a Kick Master competition in Meadowbank over the weekend.

P3 Class Trip

Yesterday P3 took a trip to New Lanark to learn about the Victorians. We got to try on Victorian style clothing and explore a Victorian classroom, home and shop. We also took a ride on the Annie McLeod experience to learn more about life as a Victorian child and the village of New Lanark.

P3 were enthusiastic, respectful and very well behaved throughout the trip – Mrs Cullum was very proud of them all! Thank you to Ms Ross, Ms Matthews and Ms Swavlowska for helping us out.

P3 Blog

Mrs Cullum is very happy to be back with Primary 3! Today, we reflected on our learning by telling Mrs Cullum what we had learned over the past couple of weeks. Here are some of the things we told her about:

Maths – we have been learning about before and after numbers, as well as talking about tens and units. Today the squares and rectangles took this even further by learning about hundreds.

Health and Wellbeing – we learnt about different feelings and how to recognise them. We really enjoyed our first Roots of Empathy family visit!

Social Studies – in our Victorian topic we have been comparing the life of a child today to that of a child in the Victorian era. We learned about Victorian workhouses and what life was like there.

Art – we continued practising how to create a self-portrait. This time we used pastels and linked with our learning in HWB by creating self-portraits showing different emotions.

P3 Blog

This week we started our topic – we are learning about the Victorians. Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Aiesha says, “We learned about the different jobs that Victorian kids did.”

Cadence says, “I enjoyed when we watched the videos of the Victorians.”

Aiden C says, “We learned that photos were in black and white in Victorian times.”

Connor L says, “I enjoyed doing our spelling test today.”

Millie says, “I liked doing catching and throwing in PE.”


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