P1-3 Buddy’s Gift Book Bags

There was lots of excitement in the infant department today as P1 received their Bookbug Bags from their P7 buddy’s. They looked through the bags together and P7 read them some stories.

P4 gifted P3, and P6 gifted P2 with their Read, Write, Count Bags. They explored the bags together and even found some games to play.

The P1-3 children will take their bags home tomorrow, and we have invited parents, carers and families along at 2:30pm on Tuesday to look through the bags with their child.

Pumphie Pals: Golden Time Consultation

As Golden Time is an important part of our school ethos, the House and Vice Captains decided they would like to consult with the whole school on what is working and what might need changed. We used our Pumphie Pals time today to explore what it might look like in the New Year. Our House and Vice Captains will now meet to collate this information.

P3 Are Magic!

P3 had great fun casting ‘magic spells’ this afternoon! We have been learning about magnetism in science and applied this learning to create ‘magic wands’ for our Hogwarts pupils. We used the power of magnetism to attract objects to our wands and even had wizarding duels. Have a look at us in action…

P1-3 SSPCA Visit

We had a special visitor in from the SSPCA today. Primary 1 – 3 got together in the P2 classroom to hear all about the work that the SSPCA do and how we can help animals in need.

We found out about a pigeon called Percy who needed help from the SSPCA after he got covered in oil. Everyone was able to share their ideas about what Percy would have needed to make him better.

We learned that if we find an animal in need we can phone the SSPCA for help but we shouldn’t touch the animal ourselves.

P3 Blog

As part of our reflection today we have been practising giving and receiving feedback with our elbow partners. We worked on giving constructive feedback to help each other grow and improve. We had to make sure we thought carefully about what we said so it was helpful and not hurtful.

Here are some examples of how we worded our constructive feedback:

“Try to use capital letters more.”

“You could be more sensible in the line.”

“Maybe you could use your knife and fork more in the dinner hall.”

“Try to change your shoes outside the cloakroom.”

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