So far in the West Lothian Sum Dog competition …
Out of 61 classes:
- 24th – P7
- 28th – P6
- 47th – P5
- 48th – P3
- 52th – P2c
Out of 1425 pupils:
- 11th – Alice – P6
- 43rd – P4 child
Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS Blog
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
Following a recent Parent Partner meeting, we sent out a survey to all families from nursery to primary 7 to evaluate our approaches to communicate. 10% of families responded to the survey; a sample from each year group responded, including nursery.
What were we learning?
To recognise and use alliteration.
How would we know if we were successful?
What did we do?
Another reminder that the Primary 3 assembly is on Friday 9th November at 9.15am. We look forward to seeing you there!
Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂