We need your donations so we can go ahead with our usual stalls. If you have any of the following items, please hand them into the school the week commencing 26th November.
Donations for coloured Tombola: Each class has been assigned a colour and we ask that you donate anything following that colour, e.g. red could be tomato sauce or red wine, brown could be chocolate, etc.
Toys: Unopened or in good condition.
Prizes: If you could donate any children’s prizes for the lucky dip it       would be a great help, for example party bag toys.
Home Baking: Please drop off school baking to the school on Friday 7th December – mark any containers you wish returned with your child’s name & their class. Please include a list of ingredients. All donations & creations are appreciated!
Volunteers to help on the day. If you can give us an hour or two of your time for setup or during the fair, please email us at puscps.ps@gmail.com
Thank you!
PUSCPS Christmas Fair