NSPCC – Speak Out, Stay Safe!


Today the NSPCC visited our school to share the message of Speak Out, Stay Safe with our children. They all shared the importance of having trusted adults to talk to. P1-3 and P4-7 took part in an assembly.

Primary 6 and 7 participated in workshops further exploring the messages delivered in the assembly by discussing different scenarios.

Primary 7 further explored this by using the kids section on the Childline website: https://www.childline.org.uk/kids

Primary 3

This week, Primary 3 launched their new topic!

We received an email from a building company who would like to create new, eco-friendly homes and they asked for our help with the designs! We had to think carefully about what being ‘eco-friendly’ meant, so we brainstormed ideas in pairs and then shared them. This is what we came up with:

Our next step will be to look at how houses in our area are built/designed!

Over the next few weeks, we would like to ask if anyone has any spare cereal boxes, cartons or general junk that would be useful for making models. We are also on the hunt for any unused, broken crayons as we will be learning how to recycle them and make new crayons with them!

Check in with us soon to see how our topic is going!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Dress Down Day – Change of Date

Due to school camp and family photos the February dress down day will on 8th March. We would request that if children chose to take part in the dress down day that they make a donation (usually £1) and this donation will go towards Fairtrade as it is Fairtrade fortnight.

We are aware that this is the P1 Assembly Day but they can also take part in the dress down day.

School Photographs – 26th February

The school photographer will be in school on Tuesday 26th February 2019 to take individual and group photographs.

ALL PUPILS will be photographed individually and in family groups where applicable, unless contact has been made with the school prior to this date.

A “proof” of the photographs will be sent home to you to and there will be several different photo pack options to choose from, if desired.

Morning nursery children should arrive at nursery promptly on this day as they will be the first to have their individual and sibling photographs taken.

Afternoon nursery children should arrive at nursery at the usual time of 12.18pm and they will be taken for their individual and sibling photographs by their teachers during the normal session.

I have arranged for the photographer to take photographs of pupils with younger brothers and sisters who do not attend the school. These photographs will be taken on Friday 1st March in the library, commencing at 8.30am. There will be a time slot system in place for these photographs and the school will inform you of your time.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Digital Directors Internet Safety Assembly

Our Digital Directors, led by Mrs McJimpsey, gave us a fabulous assembly on Friday.  There were lots of important messages about how to stay safe online.  All pupils had spent the week learning about internet safety.  This week, the Digital Directors have set a special home learning task:

Create a way to share the important messages of staying safe online.  This can be in the form of:

-a poster made on paper

-a digital poster

-a video

If taking part, these should be handed in/emailed to wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk  by Friday 15th February.

We look forward to seeing these.

Primary 3

What were we learning?

To explore activities linked to Safer Internet Day.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to make safe choices when using the internet.
  • We would be able to offer advice to others about how to use the internet responsibly.

What did we do?

  • We completed the ‘Are you smart online?’ quiz to see how safe our choices were.
  • We watched episodes of the ‘SMART Crew’ to see what would happen if we made unsafe choices like accepting unknown requests or giving out personal details.
  • We also discussed the issue of ‘screen time’. We learned about how too much screen time can affect our bodies and the world around us.

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

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