Learning & Teaching @ PUSCPS Workshops

On Tuesday night children and staff organised information workshops about our priorities in school this year. Thank you to our staff and children who organised the event and to those families who joined us.

Literacy & English: Writing & PEEP


Numeracy & Maths: Bedtime Maths App



Numeracy & Maths: Number Talks & Mathematical Mindsets


Across Learning: Digital Learning 


Support for Learning: IDL


Feedback from the event: 

We used a form on glow to get some feedback on our event.

  • 100% said they would find more workshops like this useful.
  • Good to know what they are learning
  • To understand how to help my daughter with her learning.
  • Good to get information all very interesting.
  • Great information
  • New ways to teach children who have additional learning in literacy.
  • It was interesting and knowledgeable
  • Seeing what the children learn on daily basis and what they use to achieve this.
  •  Informative nice know how these topics are being taught.
  • The new technology available to children.
  • I loved learning how to help my kids as much as I can.
  • Understanding how to help our children.
  • Very good information.
  • I found out new ways to help the Kids @ Home.
  • Methods of support to help them at home.
  • It was good to learn things that we could help with at home.
  • Interesting to see how they learned.
  • Theories behind modern maths teaching.

West Lothian Burns Competition

On Wednesday night, our five finalists from our Burns Assembly joined other children from schools across West Lothian   to compete in the recital competition. 

Our children did a fantastic job of representing their classes at the competition, a big well done to them all and their families for joining them at the competition.

A special congratulations to Jacob who came runner up in the P1-3 section.

We recognised this achievement at assembly on Friday.

Fairtrade Friday!

To mark the end of #FairtradeFornight children dressed up or down to raise £85 for Fairtrade. A big thank you to everyone who took part, and well done to Calder House for raising the most money.

Repost: Learning & Teaching at PUSCPS Event

A reminder, that we warmly invite you to come along and join us at our learning and teaching evening.

We often hear from our families, what does learning look like at PUSCPS and what are the school’s priorities.

Come along and find out from staff and children in an informal way what we have been focusing on this year!

We will even provide you with a wee tea or coffee. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.

Those parent/ carers with an IDL invite will also be able to attend a workshop on this evening.

Repost: Fair Trade Dress Down Day

A reminder that our February dress down day will on Friday 8th March. We would request that if children chose to take part in the dress down day that they make a donation (usually £1) and this donation will go towards Fairtrade, as it is Fairtrade fortnight. The dress down day is free choice, remembering that  dress is appropriate for school, we would request no football colours (following West Lothian policy) and no midriff tops.

We are aware that this is the P1 Assembly Day but they can also take part in the dress down day.

Fun Time Friday

Today we had Fun Time Friday. Fun Time Friday is an opportunity for all our children to select an activity that they are interested in and take part in it with peers across different classes. We had a range of activities to choose from which the children brainstormed at Pumphie Pals last session.

Pumphie Pals: Fairtrade

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight our Pumphie Pals session today had a Fairtrade theme.

First of all the children sorted statements which represented Fairtrade values and those that didn’t.

Then they had a Fairtrade quiz.


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