Sharing Our Digital Learning

As part of Digital Learning Week we invited our families to join us for some digital learning. Thank you to everyone who came along and joined us.

P2 taught their families how to use the green screen.



Primary 3

What were we learning?

To learn how to use an algorithm.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to follow an algorithm set by Miss McLaughlin.
  • We would be able to ‘de-bug’ an algorithm that didn’t quite work.
  • We would be able to write algorithms of our own for a partner to try.

What did we do?

  • We followed Miss McLaughlin’s algorithm for drawing a monster but unfortunately, our monsters did not match hers!
  • We talked about why this might be – her algorithm wasn’t detailed enough! We fixed it together by adding key words like ‘short’ and ‘tiny’.
  • We then tried writing algorithms for our own monsters and gave them to different partners for them to try. We talked about what we might need to ‘de-bug’ for next time.

Primary 3 also have been issued Listening & Talking homework – a letter went home in your child’s bag on Friday. Information is also below – if there are any issues/questions, please let Miss McLaughlin know!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Digital Learning Week Assembly

Part of our improvement plan for this session was digital learning, so we used digital learning week to showcase our new skills and equipment. Today we had an assembly to celebrate our achievements!

Thank you to Shona from Sky who came along and shared her digital journey with us, reminding us that their are lots of careers for girls and boys in computing.

Thank you to our Digital Directors for presenting at assembly.


Here is some of the learning we shared.


Election Day Opening Arrangements

As you are aware Thursday 23rd May is the European Parliamentary election. Our school dinner hall is a voting station but our school and nursery will be open as normal.

Children attending Breakfast Club should enter through the main office and go into the gym hall.

School lunches that day will be green tray only (packed lunch) or children can bring their own packed lunch to school.

Sun Cream

As we are lucky to currently have such beautiful weather can we please offer you a few gentle reminders about sun cream:

  • Parents/ carers should apply sun cream before their child arrives at school.
  • Parents/ carers should provide their own sun cream for each child clearly labelled with their name and class. Children can then apply this cream during the day if required.

Long may the sunshine continue!

Digital Learning Week Lunch Time Clubs

As part of National Digital Learning Week staff offered some lunchtime clubs.

P1-3 had the option to attend an apps club. They had a tinker with the different apps we have available and a play with the green screen.


P4-7 could attend a Glow workshop. They decided they would have a play with forms and make an online quiz, or Sway and make a presentation about something they were interested in. Both groups tinkered with the software and supported each other with using the different features.

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