Welcome Back!

It was lovely to welcome back all our children today, including our new families, Primary ones and our new nursery families. There was lots of excitement, smiles and hugs in the playground this morning!

Over the next two weeks staff will be getting to know your child and rebuild their class community. They will making their class charters based on our school rules of ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ and these will be shared with you.

Our priorities for this session are:

  • Ensuring all children receive regular, well-planned learning in one plus two modern languages.
  • To provide all children with access to numeracy and writing learning experiences of a consistently high standard, with robust assessment of progress.
  • To refresh our vision, values and aims in consultation with the whole school community.
  • To embed the Career Education Standard across learning.
  • To continue to embed digital approaches to improve learning and teaching.

We look forward in working with our Parent Partners in achieving these priorities.

We will have a Visit My Class workshop on Wednesday 11th September at 6pm, which will give you the opportunity to visit your child’s class, meet their teacher and find out more about their learning.

I hope that we can continue to work together in the best interests of our children. I believe in having an open door policy, so if you have any suggestions, ideas or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Ultimately, I hope that our children take away happy memories from their primary school experience and that they will remember the events, people and the learning that made school memorable for them, enabling them to develop and demonstrate our school values.

Here’s to what I know will be a fantastic year!

Kind regards,

Miss Burton

(Primary 1 photos to be added once permissions are checked).

Positive Relationships at PUSCPS

Last term staff and children evaluated current approaches to managing positive relationships at PUSCPS. We also took part in career long professional along with our cluster using research from Paul Dix’s book, When the adults change everything changes.

Using our evaluation and research we have now came up with a consistent approach, which is shared below. We will also explain this further at our Visit Our Class workshops (watch this space!).

Our approaches are based on reinforcing positive choices, using restorative approaches and helping to support children be responsible for their choices. We wanted our corrective actions to be immediate to give children time out to think about their consequences rather than waiting until the end of a day or a week. We also wanted  30 minutes of together time to be available each week for all children, as this is an important part of their social development with peers.

We hope you find the information below useful, and if you have any questions we look forward to answering them at Visit My Class.

Below is also information about our playground.

Nearly New Uniform Sale

We will have our nearly new uniform on sale in the school dinner hall on:

  • Monday 19th August  at 2:00-3:00pm
  • Tuesday 20th August at 9:30-10:30am

All donations will go into school funds.

If you have any donations of old school uniform that is still in good condition, please hand it in to our office.

P1 – P7 Back to School Arrangements

We hope that you are all enjoying your holidays!

We have missed you all and are excited about welcoming you back next week. Your teachers have been busy setting up your new classroom and planning exciting getting to know you activities for the first two week of term.

Wednesday 21st August 

  • 8:10am – 8:30am: Breakfast Club for Primary 2-7.
  • 8:30am: Pupils can enter the playground.
  • 8:50am: School starts: Primary 2-7 children should enter their classroom through the playground and line up at their classroom door at 8:50am as usual).
  • 3:15pm: School finishes, families are permitted into the playground to collect their children. Children up to Primary 4 should be collected by an adult unless the office is notified.

Primary 1

  • 9:00am: Enter the school through the office and meet in the hall
  • Opportunity for the parents/ carers to bring their child into the classroom and take a photo, etc. (This will take 30-40 minutes).
  • 3:00pm: School finishes, families should collect their child from the Primary 1 classroom door.

Thursday 22nd August

Normal routines resume

  • 8:10am-8:30am: Breakfast Club for Primary 1-7 (children should not arrive at school before this time as there is no supervision).
  • 8:30am: Pupils can enter the playground.
  • 8:50am: School starts: Primary 1-7 children should enter their classroom through the playground and line up at their classroom door at 8:50am as usual. Only children who arrive after 8:50am should enter through the office (and they will be marked as late).
  • 3:15pm: School finishes, families are permitted into the playground to collect their children, children up to Primary 3 should be collected by an adult unless the office is notified.

Dress Down Day Dates

Please find below the provisional dates for our dress down days for Primary 1-7.

Like last year, the dress down days do not always fall on the last Friday of every month or the last day of each term. Instead the dates reflect events that are happening in school.

If your child would like to take part in the fundraising dress down days we would ask that they please bring a donation. We will also be running house competitions to see which house can raise the most money.

Thank you in advance for supporting these charities and helping with raising money for school funds.

Dress Down Days

Almond Pyjama Party!

Almond received the most points in term 4 and earned themselves a party, they decide on a Pyjama Party! They had corners, best dancer, pass the parcel, musical statues and food. Thank you to Lauren and Jack, and all the Primary 7s for helping to organise the party.



Almond Pyjama Party – Wednesday!

Almond will have a Pyjama Party on Wednesday 26th June at 11am for winning the house points this term.

As we have the P7 Celebration Assembly in the morning children should BRING their PJs or party clothes to change into for the party.

Sorry for the short notice about the party but we wanted the children to enjoy their treat before the end of term.

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