STEM Assembly: Sharing our STEM Learning

Today we our classes shared their STEM learning this term at our assembly.


Miss Connor, the West Lothian Development Officer for STEM shared with us the importance of STEM skills for our future jobs and carers.


Each class then shared with us their STEM Learning.

Primary 7

Primary 6

Primary 5

Primary 4

Primary 3

Primary 2

Primary 1


We celebrated the children and classes who scored highly in the West Lothian Maths Sumdog Competition.

We also invited along a neuroscientist, who told us all about his career and what STEM skills he used.

School Values Consultation

As a school we recently consulted on what our community think our core values should be. Our core values are the fundamental beliefs of our school and are the guiding principles that dictate our behaviours.
Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire which will help us determine our school values.

The questionnaire will close on 13th March 2020.

Primary 3 Internet Safety

As part of Internet Safety Week, Primary 3 have been learning how avatars can be used as a profile picture in place of a photograph to keep us safe and to also show our personalities. We created our own avatars and talked about how they represented us.

We also talked about what do if something makes us feel uncomfortable when we are online. We know that it’s important to always tell an adult we trust.

by Christopher J
by Connor
by Jessica
by Kenzie

Developing the Young Workforce – Call for help!

This term our class contexts for learning are as follows:

If you feel you can contribute to any of these contexts by talking about your job, skills, experiences, etc. We would love for you to help us. Please contact the office

tel: 01506 280995

or fill out the questionnaire below.


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