Leaving Assembly

Today we had an assembly to reflect on the time that Mrs Cullum, Mrs Struthers and Mr Champion have taught in our school. We sang songs to wish them well and shared memories of their time at PUSCPS.

We are really sad to see them go, and although we will miss them lots we wich them lots of luck in their new schools, which are very luck to have them.



P1 – P7 Parent Ethos Questionnaire

Each session West Lothian issue a parent ethos survey for families to complete about your child’s school. The findings of this questionnaire, along with our school evaluations, help us to plan future  improvements.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the questionnaire. We would value if you could take ten minutes to complete the survey using the link below.



Transition Morning Success!

This morning our children were very excited to find out who their teacher would be for next session. They all enjoyed a getting to know you activity with their new teacher and we welcomed our new Primary Ones.

Our new Primary Ones and their families joined us for a Dine Together session, so they could sample our school lunches.

Our Primary 6 children were very excited about receiving their Primary 7 tie!


Stellar Young Writer Awards Assembly




Thank you to our Literacy Leaders for leading the Assembly.

Congratulations to the winning entry at each stage.

Congratulations to this Primary 4 whose story will be entered to represent our school at the Stellar Awards.


You can hear the winning entries below, thank you to our Literacy Leaders and senior children for recording the stories for a surprise at the assembly.








Primary 2S Transition Challenge


Primary 2S have been busy this week completing a transition challenge set by Miss Burton. Our challenge is to let P1 know about what to expect when they come up to P2 next session. We have made posters showing important information and we are looking forward to going to visit the P1 class to share the information on our posters. We will let you know how we get on!

Healthy Snacks

As a health promoting school we would like to remind parents/ carers the importance of children bringing a healthy snack to school. Some of our children are bringing sugary candy style snacks, packets of biscuits and/ or share bags of crisps. These types of snack can obviously have a negative impact on their concentration levels, their health and teeth. We would appreciate it if children could bring a healthy snack with them for break times. Some examples may include, fruit, veggie sticks, crackers, cheese, etc.

Summer BBQ

Come and join us for our summer fundraising BBQ. There will be rugby games with parent Mr. Black from 6:15 pm, adult and child tug of war competitions at 7pm, along with sensory games, a treasure hunt, crafts, music and party games. All food will be cooked on the barbeque by parent  Mr. Mellor, who is chef and there will be options for vegetarian and gluten free diets.
All food and games are included in the ticket price of £3 for an individual ticket or £10 for a family ticket. These can be purchased beforehand at the school office or on the day at the door. If the weather is not great, all the activities will be set up inside the school. Hopefully the sun will shine 😎

P1-7 Parent Ethos Questionnaire

Each session West Lothian issue a parent ethos survey for families to complete about your child’s school. The findings of this questionnaire, along with our school evaluations, help us to plan future  improvements.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the questionnaire. We would value if you could take ten minutes to complete the survey using the link below.



Stellar Writing Competition

All the children in P1-P7 created a piece of writing for the West Lothian Council Stellar Writing Competition (previously known as Young Writer of the Year).

Our Literacy Leaders had the difficult task of selecting the best piece of writing for each class, and then an overall winner for the school.

On Thursday 6th May at 2:30pm, we will have a special Star Writer Assembly to celebrate and announce those children who have been selected (the children don’t know).  Parents/ carers of these children have been informed but everyone is invited to the assembly. We look forward to seeing you!

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