Primary 1/2

This week Primary 1/2 have been learning all about the emergency services. We had a visit from a firefighter who showed us all the equipment he uses and told us how we can keep safe if there ever was a fire. We also found out about the all the different types of rescues that the fire brigade can do.

We have been acting out emergency calls in Drama so that we know how to respond to an emergency and what to say when we phone 999. We took on the roles of operators and people who need help. After acting out different ideas, we then wrote our own emergency stories.

Here are some of the things that we learned this week:

Mayah: ‘Firefighters have a mask.’

Emily: ‘Firefighters save people from water.’

Olivia: ‘I learned how to add by counting on on my fingers.’


We practised what we would say if we had to call 999 for help.


Libby wrote a story about rescuing someone in a helicopter.
Libby wrote a story about rescuing someone in a helicopter.

Primary 1/2

Today we have been learning all about Bonfire Night and firework safety. Below are some of the rules we have learnt to keep us safe when we are watching fireworks.

‘Always stay with an adult.’ – Ruby

‘Never throw fireworks.’ – Khloe

‘Keep cats and dogs and all animals indoors.’ – Ephi

‘Stand back from fireworks.’ – Mayah

‘Don’t put sparklers too close to your face and put gloves on.’ –Emily

We watched a short video of a firework display and used what we saw to help us create some pictures. We chose different colours of paint and printed them onto the page using straws.


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Primary 1/2

In Science this week, we have been learning about the sun and the earth. Primary 1 drew pictures of the sun after looking at photographs of the sun in space. Primary 2 drew a picture of the sun and the earth, showing how the earth turns to make day and night.

The day after our Halloween disco, we imagined what we might see inside a spooky house and wrote a story at writing time.

In Maths this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We took a big clock outside to help us play ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’ in the playground and we tried our best to match different clock faces to the correct times as quickly as we could.

Online Learning Journals


Our nursery and P1 Online Learning Journals are now live.  You have received information on how to log in.

We hope you enjoy sharing your child’s learning through these journals and login regularly to view, share and discuss what your child is learning and the progress they are making.

We especially like comments from home being added to build a fuller picture of your child’s learning and life.

If you are having difficulty accessing the Journals please speak to your child’s teacher or Miss Morrison at school.

We will be providing further information in a few weeks to be sure that everyone is comfortable using the system.

Thinking Back Looking Forward Pupil Profiles – P2-P7

Today pupils in P2 – P7 will bring home their THINKING BACK LOOKING FORWARD profile for this term.    This is a profile of what your child sees as their progress in learning so far this session and also includes a summary of the pupils’ current strengths and next steps from the class teacher.  Pupils in nursery and P1 will have learning to share through the Online Learning Journals system.

This is a new approach to reporting to parents for us this term and – as discussed in September’s newsletter – it forms a part of our FAMILIES LEARNING TOGETHER – SHARING LEARNING programme which we are developing this session.

We hope you find these new mid-year profiles more useful that the old-format final report in June.  Please bring your copy along to your appointment on Wednesday or Thursday evening and you can discuss it with the teacher then.   All pupils took home an appointment slip for parent appointments on Friday – if you don’t have yours – please call the office.

Steven Eagleson



Termly Learning Overviews – Term 1 2016/2017 (August-October)

Each term class teachers plan the areas of focus for this term’s learning.  These overviews are shared with home and with the pupils.  The overviews for this term below were sent home in September with each child.  You can check them here and download a copy of your child’s plan.  This can help frame a discussion with your child on what they are learning and where they are finding success or challenges.


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P1 pupils in P1 and P1/2 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for all P2 pupils in P1/2 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P2/3 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P3 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P4 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P5 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P6 class


Click here to download Term 1 Learning Overview for P7 class

Primary 1/2

In Art this week, P1/2 have been exploring using different printing techniques to create pictures.

At the start of the week, we went out to have a look at the trees around the school grounds and took turns to take photographs of them. We noticed that although many of the trees were still green, some were beginning to change into different colours for autumn. When we got back to class we used our fingers to print the many colours of the leaves with paint.

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We also investigated using fruit and vegetables for printing. Here are some of the images we created:img_0455

Friday 7 October 11am – Families Learning Together – Session 1

Next Friday is our first Families Learning Together – Sharing Learning session.  This is for pupils in P2 to P7.  Anyone from home is welcome to come along and share the pupil’s learning.  Please ensure the reply slip is completed and returned so we know who is coming – for security.  The invite below is downloadable from the link – has been emailed – and is in each child’s bag.

If necessary – a simple note to the class teacher on whom to expect will be sufficient.  We look forward to seeing you then and are all very excited at building on our programme of developing home engagement with learning.

Steven Eagleson


Click here to download a copy to print:  flt-invite-reply-slip

Primary 1/2

In Science this week, we have been learning all about the different materials things can be made from and the properties that they have.

We sorted items in the classroom by the material they were made from and we investigated which materials will float and which will sink at the water tray.

Below are some of things we discovered:

Lewis – ‘Stones sink.’

Jack – ‘You can get things made from fabric, wood, metal and plastic.’

Olivia – ‘Money sinks.’

Liam – ‘Toy cars are made from plastic. You can twist plastic.’

Aiden – ‘Some plastic things float but not heavy ones.’

Our next step is find out how different materials are used in the world and what purposes they are best suited for. We will then use what we have learned to design and create our own toy.

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