Primary 1/2

This week, we have begun to practise for our assembly which will be all about the human body. We are looking forward to presenting what we’ve learned to the rest of the school and to our families next Friday.

In Maths this week, we have enjoyed exploring 3D shapes. We can sort them, say their names and talk about the different shapes of their faces.

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have been learning all about the human body as part of their Science and Health. We had fun putting the organs and bones onto the outline of the body and we wrote facts about the jobs parts of our body do.

Here are some of the things the pupils said about their learning this week:

Brooke: ‘The brain doesn’t just help you think; it sends messages to parts of your body to make you move.’

Lewis W.: ‘I learned about the lungs. They help you breathe.’

Olivia: ‘I liked the Big Maths Beat that test.’

Ephi: ‘I learned names for your family in French.’

Ruby: ‘The ribcage protects your lungs and your heart.’

Emily: ‘I liked using Numicon. I put a little piece onto a big piece to find the difference between numbers.’

Primary 1/2

This week, Primary 1/2 have been learning more about our partner school in Uganda and talking about the rights that we all share. We looked at photographs of the chickens they bought with the help of some of the funds we raised and we talked about how keeping chickens would benefit the pupils there.

We have also been learning about what makes a good piece of writing this week. We created plans for our Katie Morag stories and stopped at points during our writing lesson to reflect on what we had written so far. Next week we want to continue to practise checking over our sentences and try our best to include interesting wow words and adjectives.

Primary 1/2

As part of our work within Social Studies, we have been looking at the differences between services in the local area and on the fictional Isle of Struay in the Katie Morag stories.

We went out for a walk around the area to find out about the different types of houses, shops and services nearby. We saw lots of cottages and semi-detached houses. We wrote a list of the features of each place and discovered that Pumpherston and Uphall Station has more shops and services than Katie Morag’s island.

Here are some of the other things we have been doing this week:

Millie: ‘I liked learning numbers and colours in French.’

Aiden: ‘I liked Big Maths Beat That test because it was fun.’

Brooke: ‘I liked reading this week.’

Emily: ‘I made terraced houses.’


Primary 1/2

In Science, we have been learning all about our senses. We can list the five senses and talk about their importance in keeping us safe and telling us about the world around us. This week we learned all about our eyes. We drew diagrams of the eye and labelled its different parts. We were also able to talk about the job that different parts of our eyes do.

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Within Literacy, we’ve been learning to use adjectives. We are beginning to identify adjectives in stories we read in class and we can use them in our sentences to write descriptions of characters. This week we enjoyed writing descriptions of each other.

Here are some other things we enjoyed:

Jack – ‘I liked Beat That Maths test because it was a challenge and I had fun doing it.’

Olivia – ‘I liked French and doubling numbers in Maths.’

Emily – ‘I liked French and drawing the eye.’

Book Bug Bags for P1 Pupils

P1 Parents & Carers – Scottish Book Trust needs your help!
Every November, Scottish Book Trust gifts a free bag of books to every P1 child in Scotland to help them with their reading, writing and counting and to encourage them to develop a life-long love of books. Scottish Book Trust is asking parents and carers of children in P1 to complete a short online survey about the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag. Please click here to take part in the survey, which shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us to improve the Bookbug P1 Family Bag in the future and you couldwin a free bundle of books! The deadline for completing the survey is 10 February 2017.

Primary 1/2

This week in Maths, P1/2 have been learning how to sort and display data. We learned how to count tally marks and record them on a table. We also used Carroll Diagrams to display data and worked as a group to create our own headings and categories for sorting objects.

We have also been learning about New Year resolutions. We shared our ideas for our own resolutions then drew and labelled our targets.

Ruby's resolution
Ruby’s resolution
Emily's resolution
Emily’s resolution
P1/2 sorting and labeling objects
P1/2 sorting and labeling objects


P1 Christmas Nativity Performance

Our P1 pupils performed a fantastic nativity play “Wriggly Nativity” on Wednesday.  The P2 and P3 pupils supported as the choir and they were great too.

Well done to all the boys and girls and thank you for the help at home and a huge thank you and well done to Mrs Strachan and Miss Cave with Mrs Campbell, Miss McLennan, Ms Ross and Mrs Stanton.



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