P1 Achievements

The wider achievement forms were sent home last week – please talk to your children about these and send them in to be displayed outside our classrooms.  Achievements may happen at home or at a club.  Children are encouraged to bring in a picture, certificate or even a medal to share with their class.

Many thanks

Primary 1

This week P1 have continued to learn new sounds.  We are confident with lots of sounds now so have started to write some 3 letter words more independently.  This weeks sounds were ‘o’ and ‘g’ so we could build words like ‘dog’ and ‘got’.

For maths we have been practising counting forward and backward from different numbers, recognising numbers and saying what comes before or after.  Some numbers have been quite tricky to write so we will be trying different ways to learn and practise these.

In topic, we have been listening to and talking about fairytale stories.  We have enjoyed acting out the stories using puppets, sequencing the story and making masks for the characters.  The Fairytale Land knights were also busy in the school playground today protecting their castle.


Primary 1

Primary 1m and Primary 1s have had a busy week. We are becoming knights of the castle.  The first thing a knight needs is a shield, so we have been printing our shields using potatoes from the garden.


Primary 1

P1m and P1s have been very busy and learning lots of new things.

Each classroom has started to build their own Fairytale Land castle.  We had to find out about the different parts of castles so we could make it look like a real castle from the past.  We have made the castle walls look like stone and made sure the battlements were at the top.

For Maths week, we practised our number formation by writing numbers in icing on biscuits.  They tasted lovely and we remembered that we need to clean our teeth after sweet treats!

Our school garden has lots of vegetables ready to harvest at the moment so P1 helped to pick the potatoes.  We then had to wash, peel, cut, mash and cook them.   Our potato feast was ready just in time for Thursday snack – mashed potato and wedges.  We all enjoyed having a wee try!


Primary 1

Both primary 1 classes have had a fun and busy week. In numeracy, we have been practising our counting and number formation.   In phonics, we are already learning some letter sounds and are beginning to blend these together to make words.

On Thursday, we received a letter from The Friendly Dragon in Fairyland asking for our help. He is very sad because he has lost his castle. He has left a special “dragon-mail” letterbox outside our classroom and we have written back to let him  know that we will help him build a new castle. We are very excited!

P1m and P1s School Houses

P1 have been very excited this week to be sorted into their new school houses.  They are called Almond, Breich and Calder.  House points can be earned through lots of things and already some of us have been earning points.

Earn points for your house through:

  • being kind
  • holding doors open for others
  • working hard
  • picking up litter
  • being helpful
  • playing nicely
  • walking sensibly
  • following our golden rules
  • listening quietly
  • treating others with respect

Almond (Green house)


Breich (Red house)


Calder (Blue House)

Hello from Primary 1s

In the last week, we have been busy settling into our Primary 1 class and getting to know our new teacher, Mrs Strachan. We are already becoming independent at changing our shoes in the morning and remembering to put our snacks in our tray.

Today was great fun! We had lunch in the dinner hall with our parents. Tomorrow is our first full day in Primary 1 so we might be very tired after school tomorrow!

Health Week Carousel

After yesterday’s karate input our Health Week continued today with the first set of a series of carousel activities.  This is where each member of staff offers a 30 minute activity and pupils, in their Pumphie Pals groups, rotate around these.  On the carousel today and tomorrow are:

  • Meditation
  • The Eatwell Plate – food nutrition
  • Curling
  • Sun Safety (ironic today)
  • Healthy Lunchbox choices
  • making fruit smoothies
  • Dance
  • Hula Hoops
  • Go Noodle (movement and mindfulness activities)
  • Yoga Bugs
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Blind food tasting

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