We have a chick!

The eggs have arrived in P1. We’re all so excited to watch them hatch and grow over the next few weeks. One egg hatched this morning so stay tuned for developments.

Primary 1

Primary 1 have reflected on their learning this week – here is what we have been learning.

Ruby: We have been learning about life cycles. A butterfly starts as an egg.

Sophie Rose: The egg turns into a caterpillar and it eats it’s own shell. It then turns into a Pupa, then it turns in a butterfly.

Jack: In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. The number 3 is odd and 4 is even because it has a friend.

Caitlin:  I know about having a growth mindset. If I can’t do something, I  say I can’t do it “yet”.

P1 Learning Blog

This week P1 have been learning:

Jack:  We did mental maths, we were counting backwards.

Ruby: We were rhyming; we used the story of Green Eggs and Ham

Caitlin, Kayden and Isla:  We were learning about the human body.  We learned about the skull, brain and the stomach.

Gabriel and Kyle: We also played a lot with our friends and were doing great with our numbers.

This week in P1

P1 have had a fun and busy week.  We reflected on our learning and shared what we have learnt this week:

Jack:  We were learning about take away sums.  We had to take away and add.

Layla:  We were learning about doubling numbers like 4+4.

Kayden:  We learnt about feelings like sad and happy and grumpy.

Peyton:  We learnt our number in French.  I can count up to 10.

Sophie Rose:  We used collage in art to make pictures of a dragon.

We will need these pictures next week for our storywriting.

P1 weekly blog

P1 have reflected on their learning this week – here is what we have been learning:

Caitlin – With Mrs Rarity we learned about the chickens we bought for our partner school in Magale, Uganda.

Kayden – we learned more about Katie Morag and crossing the ocean.

Layla – we made pictures of pancakes in art and put on whatever we wanted – we did this because it was pancake day.

Kian – we were learning our reading with new books.

We learned about Fairtrade this week, at Pumphie Pals and in class.  People who make food from countries far away earn more money if we buy Fairtrade.

Tyler – we learned the Christian story of Jesus turning the market sellers out of the temple

Primary 1

As part of our Katie Morag topic, we went for a walk around Pumpherston so that we could compare services found in Pumpherston with those found on Katie Morag’s Isle of Struay. We then created a list comparing the different services found in each place. Primary 1 voted on which place they would rather live, Struay or Pumpherston. Everyone voted for Pumpherston!

Primary 1

Primary 1 have been learning how to double numbers this week. We have been using strategies such as counting on our fingers or drawing pictures to find the answer. In writing, we have been learning how to use adjectives. We all wrote about one of our classmates, using adjectives to describe them. This is what Sophie-Rose wrote about Ola:

Ola has brown hair and she has a pony tail. Ola has brown pretty eyes. Ola has ladybug earings. She has a dress and white top. Ola is helpful. I like playing doctors with Ola.

Primary 1

This week in Science, Primary 1 have been learning about our 5 senses. We drew what our favourite thing was to taste,smell, touch, see and hear. We also learned about how the different parts of the eye work. We labelled a picture of an eye showing the pupil and iris.


Book Bug Bags for P1 Pupils

P1 Parents & Carers – Scottish Book Trust needs your help!
Every November, Scottish Book Trust gifts a free bag of books to every P1 child in Scotland to help them with their reading, writing and counting and to encourage them to develop a life-long love of books. Scottish Book Trust is asking parents and carers of children in P1 to complete a short online survey about the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag. Please click here to take part in the survey, which shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us to improve the Bookbug P1 Family Bag in the future and you couldwin a free bundle of books! The deadline for completing the survey is 10 February 2017.
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