Primary 6

Last week we started badminton in P.E. with Mrs Pender.  We performed our fitness routines to P4 too, it was great fun.

For reading the blue group created good questions and the red reading group made persuasive leaflets.

To finish our Body, Bones and Blood topic we made line graphs to see who had the smallest bones.  Each group had a different bone to gather data on.

In writing we created our own characters.  We had to make them seem real by adding action, speech and feelings.

We are all looking forward to starting our new topic next week – Titanic!

Remember to keep practising your Scots poem for Monday!

Primary 4

 This week we have been learning about Time.  We made a list of all the ways we use time everyday and some children went on a Time Devices Treasure Hunt.   We have also started to learn about our new topic Food Glorious Food.  We made a shopping list of all our favourite foods which made us feel a bit hungry!

Remember to wear your watches and look at the clock to help you use what you have learned in class this week.

by Primary 4

P1M Reflective Learning

This week we built a house for the Three Little Pigs. We had to make bricks for the walls, make a tablecloth, made a cooking pot for the wolf and made him. We also made pictures of the Three Pigs and nameplates for them. We decided to call them Campbell, John and Andrew. Peek into our room to have a look 🙂

P1m out!

This week in Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about time.  We learned that in the past people used the sun to tell the time.  We learned that there are 12 numbers on a clock face and how to tell the time using o’clock.  Next week we want to learn about digital time on digital clocks. 

We had fun making up silly sentences using rhyming words.   The funniest one was

The flat bat flew on a cat.

If you can make a funnier one tell us what it is.

Have a great week learning from P1a

P5 Reflective Learning

In Primary 5 this week we have been rehearsing for our Scots afternoon for the Senior Citizens.  We have been rehearsing two poems: The Puddock by John M Cale and Tae  A Moose by Robert Burns.  Also we have been practising our Scottish Country Dancing and we hope to present the Virginia Wheel aswell.  Thank you for reading! P5

Primary 4

We have been learning about the rules for Kosher food, the food that is allowed for Jewish people, in our RME lessons.

 Can anyone find a ‘Kosher’ badge on a food packet, jar or can? Look in your cupboards – or have a good look around when you’re at the supermarket helping with the shopping!  If you find one, tell us where!

For a reminder of the Kosher rules, try this website:

Primary 5

Primary 5 have been linking RME and Science this week as we learned about Evolution as an explanation of how life began on Earth.  We watched an animation which showed some dinosaurs with feathers, and explained how there are some birds in the world today that can’t fly, but have other talents which make them the best birds for their habitat.

Thank you to Ellie for helping to sum up the learning this week.

We thought about the kiwi in particular – can anyone tell me where kiwis live? Can P5 remember what the kiwi is good at?

Scots Poems

Hello little ones 🙂

Hoping everyone had a great first week back! Remember, Scots poems will be going home on Monday. Our poems are ‘Robin Reidbreist’, ‘Crocodile’ and ‘Bumbees’. Choose your favourite and start to learn it. Remember… Keep practising!

Miss M

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