Scot’s Afternoon

This week saw our very successful Scot’s afternoon for the senior citizens of Pumpherston and Uphall Station as well as many of our parents and grandparents.  The children all worked hard to learn a selection of Scot’s poems and a several traditional scot’s songs and P5 learned a dance, which they performed with great enthusiasm.  The afternoon was a great success and the audience appeared to enjoy it thoroughly.

Our PM Nursery class
P5 dancing

Primary 2

This week we have been learning about the effects of gravity.  We have also been looking at Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh and drawing part of it using chalk pastels.

P2 enjoyed performing in the Scots afternoon this week.  Well done to Matthew M and Katie C who learned and recited their poems confidently to the audience.

UNICEF Day for Change

We will be supporting UNICEF’s Day for Change next Friday by having an Inside Out Day.   Children can come to school on Friday 8th February wearing their clothes inside out!  In return children are asked to bring a donation of 50p to help supprt UNICEF’s vital work.

Primary 4

This week we have been learning about the uses of water in Science.  We made a diagram to show how we had used water in a day.  Next week we will be learning about how important water is to us and how we can prevent water wastage.

We wrote imaginative stories in writing about travelling in a Time Machine.  Some people went on an adventure to the past and some people went into the future!

Next week Ewan McVicar will be visiting Primary 4.   He is going to talk to us about food in other countries.   We will also be taking part in a joint bird migration art activity with another school in Africa.

By Ryan and Primary 4


We had fun at the Scots afternoon.The people who were doing the poems in P5 were Eilidh and Christopher and our dancers were Finlay B, Hollie , Aimee , Dolce , James , Molly , Finlay C and Leyla.We hope everybody enjoyed it as much as we did. Thank you .

P1a Learning

This week was very exciting.Taffy our class dragon got a letter from his cousin George.  The letter told Taffy that all the buildings in Fairyland had been destroyed in a bad storm.  Taffy was asked to help.  We decided to help Taffy and all the characters in Fairyland to build new houses, castles, caves and a tree house.  This morning we made plans for the three little pig’s houses and next week we are going to build the houses from our plans. We are very excited!  We are using our skills in working together.  We also learned to tell the time using digital clocks and our next step is to match clock faces to digital times.  We are going to try to practice reading  the o’clock times at home. Let us know how you get on.

P1m Reflective Learning

This week P1m started some drama about fairytales. We made houses for fairytale characters using our bodies. We have also been learning about still image. We made scenes from Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pigs. We used our faces to show how we were feeling, but didn’t use our voices.

Til next week…

The Highlights of Our Week

This week we enjoyed our Scots assembly and the particular stars were Lewis Taylor, Bruce Aitken, Lauryn Sandilands and Megan Stevenson. Thanks to our backroom staff!!!

We enjoyed our art lesson and produced excellent work in the style of Claude  Monet. We look forward to seeing the final product.

Our new class novel, “What If They Find Us” by Kathy Clark ,is about 2 refugees and is a gripping story which we are enjoying listening to it.

Primary 3

This week in writing Primary 3 wrote a Health article all about the heart. In maths we have been learning about fractions and halving and doubling numbers. Primary 3 have been also been researching about daily life in ancient Egypt for their topic.

Primary 2

This week in primary 2 we have been learning how to order numbers.  Learning about tens and units helped us to order larger numbers.

 In literacy we have been working on segmenting and building words.  The children have enjoyed working with the magnetic letters and boards to do this. 

Our new topic is the sun, moon and stars and we have been learning about this through a variety of activities.  We found out about the first man on the moon and used actions to remember his name.  Can you remember what the actions were?  In drama we worked in groups to man a space shuttle.  Pupils enjoyed this activity and particularly the space themed musical background.  They were great in role!  In art we used chalk drawing and blending skills to create sun, moon and stars pictures.  The children chose which one of two pictures to create.  They enjoyed being able to create the reflection of the moon on water. The artwork created was super and will be displayed in class.

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