Primary 4 to help us learn more about where food comes from we are going to use the website Food a Fact of Life. Firstly Google search Food a Fact of Life.  Once you are on the home page click 8-11 years along the top of the page. Next click Food and Farming then scroll down until you see the heading Interactive Resources.  Click on the game that is called – Where does your food come from?Play the game and then we will share it together at the end of this week.
Primary 5 – Playground Games
This week we were looking at every child’s right to play. We played two games, ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and Chocolate Bar. On Friday at break time we went to the other classes and showed them how to play these games. It was lots of fun and we are going to learn more games and teach other classes how to play them.
P6 Homework Challenge!
Primary 4
This week we have been learning about Children’s Rights and that every child in the world has the right to an education.  We watched a clip of children in Africa and discussed how different their school was to our school. We made posters to show some of  the values of education. Then we shared what we had learned with the whole school at our Rights Respecting assembly.Â
                       by   Jordan and Carys
Rights Respecting Week
p7 enjoyed learning about the rights of children this week and all the activities we took part in .The best part of our week was once again poetry writing!!! We wrote poems about an “ideal world” and some of them were read out at our assembly. All the staff were very impressed with them!!
Primary 6
This week in Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS we have been learning about children’s rights. Miss Martin has set the whole school on a job to make name collages because it shows everyone that they have the right to a name. Also we have been making little paper girls and boys. Then Miss Martin is going to display them all over the school.
Yesterday we had an assembly about children’s rights and all the classes had to do a show and tell.  Primary 6 decided to talk about wants and needs these are some of them. The needs are clean water, nutritious food, decent shelter and medical care. The wants were laptop, pet, phone, holiday, games and computer stations.
By Connor Ramsay and Elli-louise Falconer
P1m – ‘A Good Lesson…’
This week P1m were talking about what a ‘good’ lesson looks like. We had lots of good ideas!
- We need to know what we’re learning and why
- We need to know how we’re going to learn
- We have to think if we can use Lenny (our link lizard) if we can use what we already know
- Everyone should be listening
- Miss McLaughlin should say things in a way we can understand them
- We should learn in lots of different ways (writing/drawing, the smartboard, acting, etc)
- We should learn with lots of different people
- Miss McLaughlin, a partner or I should check how I know I have learned
- A lesson should not run late
- We should think about what we have to do next
A big list for Miss McLaughlin to think about!
P1m 🙂
Primary 4
This week we had a visit from Ewan McVicar. He told us about some of the different types of food they grow and eat in Africa.   We learned about some foods we had never heard of before like Paw Paw, Cassava and Plantain.  He also told us an interesting and exciting story about the journey of a bird migrating from Scotland to Africa. We then designed and created our own birds which were unusual and that we had never seen before. These birds will be sent to a school in Livingston in Zambia as part of The Bird Exchange project.  Below are some pictures of us creating our unusual birds.
Primary 5
On Monday P5 were excited to go swimming at Broxburn Leisure centre. The other exciting news is our Europe assembly which will take place on Thursday 28th of February. We are busy researching about a variety of countries for this. Please put that date into your diary as it is an event you will not want to miss!
Primary 6
This week in P6 there has been lots of learning going on. We have been working in our topic groups to make a  model of the Titanic. The parts of it that we’ve been making are:  the funnels, the decking, the hull and the sea.
In writing we have been writing settings for stories and trying to guess other peoples. We really all enjoyed our writing this week because we had to guess each others settings.
We were given our tickets for the Titanic in drama. Some people had first class tickets,others second and third.
In assembly we where thinking about consideration of others and Rights week after the holiday.
Everyone dressed inside out today to raise money for UNICEF! We had to spell our words forwards and backwards for our spelling check-up!
We hope everyone has a good long weekend!
Miss McLennan and Primary 6 🙂