Primary 3

Primary 3  have been writing  descriptions of what their own personal Egyptian god would  look  like and do. Here is an example of what they have been  writing.

My god is called Tolkanic. He has four red and blue crowns, small pointy ears, 39 teeth and pure black eyes. He has a white skirt around his waist. His head is in the shape of a husky. Tolkanic can control the moon and fight of naughty thieves trying to steal children during the night.

Kadan p3

Primary 5 Assembly

Just a little reminder that the P5 assembly is next Thursday 28th of February. We do hope you can all make it! This week we have been learning new games for the playground: Red Rover, Mr Octopus and Bounce Tig.We are teaching the children from the other classes these games at playtime and lunchtimes.Thanks P5

Primary 4

This week we have been learning about food and where it comes from.   We used a website called Food a Fact of Life it told us lots of facts and we watched a video and played a game called Plant or Animal.  We had a visit from Scottish Power and we learned the dangers of electricity and the reasons not to play with or near electricity.

by Aimee and Millie

P1m Fairyland

This week P1m started making their Fairyland houses. We are turning our whole class into Fairyland. We made stuff to put on the wall. One group will be making a Fairyland shop, where you can buy lunch and see Rapunzel working. One group made a witch’s house, where she can make potions to try and kidnap Rapunzel. One group made the stick house from the Three Little Pigs and another group made the straw house. Both were very messy! One group made the Gingerbread house, where the Gingerbread Man lives. And the final group made the Three Bears’ house, where Goldilocks is hiding!

Come and peek in at our Fairyland display 🙂

Our P7 Week

This week we were  rewriting nursery rhymes for Primary One  and here are some examples-

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

The mouse went boo!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

 We have made up a new class target and it is “Think before we do anything.” and we hope we follow it 🙂 !

We know how to keep safe with electricity!

On Wednesday James from Scottish Power came to our school to talk to each class about electricity.  He told us all about electric cables and how we can stay safe with switches, plugs and power boxes.

Here are some facts we remembered:

  • Plugs have 230 volts in them.
  • We should switch off switches to help us keep safe.
  • Trains take 1 mile to stop.
  • There were 3 cables the orange one was for the garden, the black one is for your TV and the white one is for the kitchen.
  • Insulators are materials like rubber that electricity can’t travel through.
  • It can travel through conductors.
  • Power boxes are extremely dangerous and we shouldn’t go near them.

We got to hold 2 different big electricity cables. James had a black crow with a yellow nose called Sparky to help teach the little classes about being safe.                                                                                              

By Ellie Hamilton and Shea McEwan (…a little help from Amy Barnett and Miss McLennan)

Primary 4 Topic Homework

Primary 4 to help us learn more about where food comes from we are going to use the website Food a Fact of Life.  Firstly Google search Food a Fact of Life.  Once you are on the home page click 8-11 years along the top of the page. Next click Food and Farming then scroll down until you see the heading Interactive Resources.  Click on the game that is called – Where does your food come from?Play the game and then we will share it together at the end of this week.

Primary 5 – Playground Games

This week we were looking at every child’s right to play. We played two games, ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and Chocolate Bar. On Friday at break time we went to the other classes and showed them how to play these games. It was lots of fun and we are going to learn more games and teach other classes how to play them.

Primary 4


This week we have been learning about Children’s Rights and that every child in the world has the right to an education.  We  watched a clip of  children in Africa and discussed how different their school was to our school.  We made posters to show some of  the values of  education.  Then we shared what we had learned with the whole school at our Rights Respecting assembly. 

                       by   Jordan and Carys

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