Our School’s FOURTH and FIRST Birthday!


Our new building was officially opened By Alex Salmond on 29 February 2012.  That means that although 4 years have past, we haven’t had a birthday yet!  Monday is the 29th of February – our ‘building-birthday’ and a day which only happens every 4 years.  Click the link below to find out more about what a Leap Year is and why it happens.

Click here to find out more about Leap Years

leap year baby


Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning at PUSCPS

Please see below a summary of our Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning policy which is central to our behaviour management at PUSCPS.

We are a restorative school and all pupils are fully involved in restorative conversations after incidents which supports pupils in working together to restore damaged relationships.  In these conversations pupils are supported to agree an appropriate consequence for the behaviour.

Further information on restorative approaches can be found online.  Please ask at school if you need any more information.


The end of the bell.


Tomorrow we are beginning a trial of running school without any bells. We believe it will improve timekeeping and pupil skill in telling time. It will also help develop a calm and orderly environment in school which is beneficial for all pupils, especially those with additional needs. There is no change to the timing of the school day.

Our School Gardens



We are trying very hard to make our school grounds an interesting and stimulating environment for our children to play and learn in. We are always looking for volunteers to help us with digging, landscaping, general maintenance or ‘heavy’ work tasks in our garden. If you have some free time and are interested in helping then please contact Miss Baillie or the School Office for more information. All volunteers are very welcome!

Senior Citizens’ Scots Assembly.

We look forward to welcoming the older members of our school community along on Thursday at 1:30 for our Scots Assembly.

Please be very clear that this assembly is only for older family members and friends to enjoy being part of our learning. Parents and carers have many opportunities to attend other events throughout the year.

Much as we normally look forward to seeing parents and carers, space in our hall is very limited and you would potentially be depriving an older friend or relative a space if you chose to ignore this which would be very disappointing.

When we know the numbers attending we may be in a position to offer additional tickets to families of children performing.

Thank you for your understanding.

Steven Eagleson

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