
The PSFA (Parent’s Staff and Friends Association) is a small group of parents who meet when required to plan and share out tasks to organise fun events which your children enjoy.  This included the Christmas Fayre, the Discos at Halloween and Summer and the P7 Prom among others.

The money raised supports your children in a variety of ways including funding licenses for educational software and subsidising all school trips.

Over the last few years membership has dwindled to a very small 3 or 4 who have continued to work hard to support your children.  Currently the PSFA cannot continue to organise the same events, nor plan any new ones, without your help.  Please come along to our PSFA AGM on Wednesday 5 October at 4:15 in the dining hall and see how, with even a small amount of time, you can support the experiences of all of our children.

Without more members the PSFA will not be able to continue as it has previously.  IF NOT YOU? THEN WHO? 

and Steven Eagleson

Friday 7 October 11am – Families Learning Together – Session 1

Next Friday is our first Families Learning Together – Sharing Learning session.  This is for pupils in P2 to P7.  Anyone from home is welcome to come along and share the pupil’s learning.  Please ensure the reply slip is completed and returned so we know who is coming – for security.  The invite below is downloadable from the link – has been emailed – and is in each child’s bag.

If necessary – a simple note to the class teacher on whom to expect will be sufficient.  We look forward to seeing you then and are all very excited at building on our programme of developing home engagement with learning.

Steven Eagleson


Click here to download a copy to print:  flt-invite-reply-slip

P6 have been learning to make iMovies

Mr Eagleson and P6 have been making some of the movies mentioned in this month’s newsletter.

We all learned to use the app iMovie together and shared ideas and tips to make them. The stories are silly because the learning was about the skills we used to make them, not the content.

We co-operated, problem solved and used a variety of skills for learning, life and work. Check out our work below.

The movie below was made by Lewis, Miai, Mathew, Freya and Jed.

The movie below was made by Ula, Katy R, Hallie and Ewen.

The movie below was made by Katie C, Ella, Jasmin, Georgie and Lauren.

The movie below was made by Daniel, Jay and Edward.

The movie below was made by Sean, Euan, Logan and Aidan.

The movie below was made by Katie D, Jessica, Oskar, Mya and Iona.

Help us communicate with you

On Tuesday we offered an information evening to find out how you can work with us to help your children learn.  The class teachers also offered information on what and how they will be teaching this session, how you can help and how you can support at home.

Unfortunately the turnout was only 22%,  the lowest we’ve ever had for an information evening.  Naturally, we’re asking ourselves why.

We would greatly appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete a short survey to help us understand why this evening was unsuccessful and how we can make changes in the future to better meet all of our needs.




Families Learning Together


We look forward to welcoming you this evening for our Families Learning Together evening.  It’s quite a complicated evening to arrange as we have different messages to give to nursery, primary 1 and P2-P7.  I have sent individual letters to each child explaining what is happening.  In brief:

  • Nursery have a presentation on Online Learning Journals in the hall at 6pm.
  • P1 (from both classes) have a series of presentations starting at 6pm in the hall.
  • P2-P7 have a presentation in the hall followed by a presentation in the classroom.  These together take 30 minutes and are available at 6pm and 6:30pm.
    • P2 pupils in the P2 class are offered the same two presentations but these are only available for this class at 6:30

We All Wear School Uniform at PUSCPS

School Uniform is an important part of our ethos and culture here at PUSCPS.  Wearing the uniform confirms us as part of a team.  It raises standards of behaviour and effort and limits opportunities for pupils comparing clothes which can lead to bullying.  Please make sure your child is following the uniform policy:

  • grey or black trousers or skirt,
  • white polo shirt or a white shirt and tie,
  • blue school sweatshirt or cardigan (black for P7)
  • sensible shoes. 
  • appropriate jacket
  • We discourage trainers.
  • No high heals or open toed shoes allowed.
  • Skirts of appropriate length
  • No jeans, leggings or football colours.
  • No make up or jewellery (simple stud earings are acceptable)

The grannie of one of our P3 pupils, Rosa, has made a school uniform for her bear – C-Star.  So even the teddies can wear uniform.


Do you read this blog?


A warm welcome back to session 2016/2017.  School begins for all pupils on Tuesday 23rd August and we look forward to seeing you all then.

We are interested in how many of our families access the information on this blog.  We use it for information throughout the session and all classes post learning blogs.  We would love to see more people posting comments on the blogs and engaging with the learning shown here.

If you read and use this blog, please let us know by commenting on this post – it will help us to know who is seeing our posts.

Many thanks.

Steven Eagleson

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