Remembrance Sunday

Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many in both World Wars and in other wars since. On behalf of the school I walked in the parade through Broxburn and was helped by Lewis Patterson in P7 who laid our wreath.

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Remembrance Sunday


Just a reminder that tomorrow is Remembrance Sunday. There is a parade planned from Broxburn Church by the Swimming Pool leaving at 1:15. This ends at Strathbrock Centre where the service will be held at the War Memorial at approximately 2pm. I will lay a wreath on behalf of the school. It would be great to see you there.

Regards, Steven Eagleson

NHS Advice regarding increase in Measles cases

Measles infection in Lothian

 Measles cases have been confirmed in Lothian over the past month in teenagers and young adults.

Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms suggestive of measles infection.


The symptoms of measles include fever, lethargy, runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough and a red, blotchy rash which starts at the head spreading over the chest and limbs. The rash generally fades within ten days.

If your child has developed symptoms suggestive of measles, you should keep your child at home and contact your General Practitioner for further advice by phone (or NHS24 if out of hours on tel. 111).

This is very important in order to avoid the spread of measles to other people.

People with measles are infectious from around five days before the rash appears until four days after the rash appears and should self isolate at home during this time.


The best protection against measles is two doses of MMR.

NHS Lothian Health Protection Team October 2016

Garden Club

Our school gardening year is coming to an end. We had a bumper crop of vegetables this year and we all had fun digging, sowing, planting, reaping, cooking and eating. Thanks to everyone who helped build beds and sheds and to all the parents and carers who bought the vegetables. We made over £80 which we will use to buy seeds and compost for next year.  We can’t  wait for the springtime to start again!
A huge thanks from everyone at school to Sara-Jane Haston who keeps us going with her enthusiasm and ideas.  The outdoor space would be nothing like it is today without her efforts.  20160831_133727 20160831_134508 20160831_135613 20160831_135620 20160831_144705 tattie-haul_aug-2016

What is bullying?

Pumphie Pals this week looked at bullying.  This term we’re launching our NOT IN OUR SCHOOL programme to help pupils deal with bullying.  We will be seeking views from home on this tricky subject later.

Dress Down Day



Yes Spongebob. Yes it is.

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month. By long-standing tradition this is “Dress-Down Day” at PUSCPS. Children may wear non-uniform but no football colours or strips.

Dress-Down Day usually involves pupils bringing a small donation to charity. Often £1. This helps pupils learn the importance of thinking of others before ourselves. A hugely important part of learning to be a responsible citizen of the world.

We select charities based on pupil interest and suggestions from home. If there is a charity particularly close to your heart you would like to nominate, please let us know. Last year we supported a pregnancy charity, an Alzheimer’s charity and Jak’s Den because of suggestions from our community. We regularly support our partner school in Magale, Uganda.

Tomorrow’s Dress-Down Day is just for fun no donation is required.

many thanks,

Steven Eagleson


Hallowe’en Discos

A huge thank you to our amazing PSFA for their organisation of tonight’s discos.

There was a great turnout and pupils had a wonderful time.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts

Steven Eagleson.

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