Assembly – Celebrating Our Uniqueness

Today at assembly we celebrated how we are all unique and that we should respect everyone for their uniqueness. We watched a video which made us think about we accept others for who they are.

Congratulations to Primary 3, who have completed their Fun Start Sessions with Broxburn United, and a big thank you to the team there for delivering the sessions.

A big well done to all our children this week who have been Living Our Values.

The House Points for the term so far are …

Scottish Book Trust Bookbug visits nursery


The nursery children enjoyed their ‘Bookbug’ day yesterday.  They sang songs, played a singing game and Mrs Dickie read them a story.  Afterwards the children had a special visitor from the Scottish Book Trust – Bookbug himself came to visit.  The children then received their book bug bags to take home and enjoy reading with an adult.

Celebrating Scotland and Burns!

AM and PM nursery classes celebrated Scotland and Burns last week. We sang Scottish songs and poems and talked about what we knew about Scotland. We looked together at Scottish items and photographs. On Burn’s Day we had a Burns supper for snack and the children had the opportunity to taste haggis, neeps and tatties and dance to Scottish music.

AM scots video 002

AM scots video 002

January Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to our January newsletter. It has been a busy start to our new year with our inspection celebrations and learning about Burns through our Scots week focus. Although we have been very busy, we managed some time to play in the snow!

Mrs Cullum has left us for now to have her baby and we look forward to welcoming her back to visit us. Mrs McLuckie and Mrs McConville will share the Primary 3 class and Mrs Andison has sole responsibility for teaching Primary 5.

Safer Internet Day is on 6th February and all classes are focussing on this event as part of our health and wellbeing programme. Look out for our learning on the blog and websites to support you with internet safety at home.

Miss Burton

Acting Head Teacher

Jan Newsletter

Scots Celebration Assembly

Today we held our traditional Scots Assembly to celebrate Scots and Burns. We invited our grandparents along to share this special celebration with us.

Our nursery am children joined us at the assembly to sing some songs and pm children sent us some videos to share.

Over the past few weeks we have been learning Scots and Burns poems and each class selected 2 pupils to present at today’s assembly. On Monday we will find out the names of the pupil at each stage who will now go through to the West Lothian Burns Competition.  The Vice Captains and Mrs Dickie were a tough judging panel to impress!

Primary 6 have been learning Scottish Dancing in  P.E. and their class selected a group of pupils to share their dance a our assembly.

We all took part in a Scottish sing song sharing the songs we have been learning.

A big thank you to Mrs Campbell and Mrs Dickie for organising the assembly, and to everyone who came along to help us celebrate.

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