Primary 5 Assembly

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our P5 Assembly on Friday. Primary 5 shared all their learning from their recent natural disasters context for learning. They worked in groups to plan and share their learning with us all.

A big well done to the children, Mrs Andison and Mrs Bonner!

Well done to all our living our values children this week.


Rookie Rockstars!

As you will be aware, Rookie Rockstars will be coming to work with our children during the week beginning 30th April. They will be working towards helping the children to record their own CD.  Our pupils will also be given the opportunity to perform in a concert on the evening of 10th May. Rookie Rockstars have sent this letter with further information about the programme. Tickets for the concert will be on sale very soon. We hope you will be able to come along and support this event!

rookie letter 2

P7 camp photos

Now that we are back to internet connection, I can post some more of the photos from camp. Here are some from archery, shelter-building, fire-lighting, aerial activities, and problem-solving. More to come soon! I hope all the children enjoyed the experience – the staff were all very proud of them! They represented our school brilliantly. I hope they enjoy some well-earned rest this weekend. Mrs Dickie

Calder Pyjama Party!

As Calder received the most Dojos last term, they requested a pyjama party. Jessica and Katie organised a range of games, pyjama corners, pass the pillow, stuff the pillow and bed sheet parachute games. We also had lots of nice treats for snacks. Thank you to all the Primary 7 Young Leaders who helped to organised the party.



This morning at assembly we launched Emotion Works by looking at the emotion of happiness!

We first of all watched a clip about ‘joy’ from Inside Out.

Primary 6 helped us to understand different words for happiness.

Then we looked at how we feel and what triggers us to feel happiness.

We then watched a video that showed how we show happiness at PUSCPS, we also discussed how music and other people smiling can make us feel happy and smile. M

Mrs Dickie told us all about the Rockie Rockstars who are coming to work with us week beginning 30th April.

We finished our assembly with our Living our Values Certificates.

Developing the Young Workforce Week – Call for Support!

At Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School, we are beginning to organise our Developing the Young Workforce Week on 22nd – 25th May 2018. Last year we had great support from our school community. This year again we are asking if any parents, carers or members of our community can support this valuable learning opportunity for our children, as we really need your support for this week to a success. If you can offer some of your time to come into school or make a video about your job or interest can you please fill out the form below.


P7 Kingswood Cluster Camp 17th-20th April 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

Kingswood Cluster Camp 17th-20th April 2018

With our trip to Kingswood next week, here are some final reminders.

  • All children should arrive at school on Tuesday 17th April 2018 at the normal time and can leave their luggage in the gym hall. Children should go to their class/playground as normal, then staff will register them. Our bus is due to collect us at approximately 9.30am. Pupils will return on Friday 20th April 2018 at approximately 1.30pm. Please ensure that your child is collected from school by an adult at this time. If our arrival time changes significantly we will communicate this via group call.
  • If your child requires medication, please hand in any medicines to the office during the course of this week. Medicines should be in a bag and clearly labelled with pupil name, medication name, dosage and frequency and whether your child can self-administer. If you are unable to hand in in medication in advance, please hand in any further medication to a member of staff in the gym hall on the morning of departure. All medication will require you to complete a permission to administer medication form, so please advise whether you need this. Completing the paperwork for medication in the morning takes up time and can contribute to us being unable to depart on time, so please hand this in advance wherever possible.
  • Child should have one case/ bag that they can carry and a backpack. They should also remember a packed lunch for Tuesday in their back pack.
  • Please refer to the suggested clothing list when packing. This was issued during the last week of term. Please let us know if you need another copy of this. Please also include a black bag to put dirty/wet clothes in.
  • We ask that pupils only bring £5 pocket money, in £1 coins to be handed into school during this week. In the interests of safety and fairness we ask that you do not send any additional money. Kingswood sells some snacks and some small souvenirs. Please do not pack any valuables, mobile phones or electronic items.
  • Please ensure that you have completed our code of conduct. We cannot allow pupils who have not completed the code of conduct to attend this residential.
  • Finally, if your child has any special dietary requirements that you have not already made the school aware of, please let their class teacher know as soon as possible.

Staff and pupils are all very excited about the residential and we hope that these final reminders prove helpful. If you have any further questions or need any more info, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Yours faithfully

Morag Dickie

Acting Principal Teacher

Calder House Party

Dear parent/ carer,

Calder House Party

As Calder was the House Winner last term, we have organised a ‘Pyjama Party’ for the children in Calder on Friday 13th April.  If your child  is in Calder they can bring pyjamas/ onesie (please no football pyjamas) to school on Friday to change into for the party.

Kind regards,

Jessica and Katie

House and Vice Captain

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