Developing the Young Workforce Week

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is a programme organised by the Scottish Government  that aims to better prepare children and young people aged 3–18 for the world of work. Last week we held our annual DYW Week in order to share with our children different a range of types of jobs/ carers and the skills, qualifications and values you require to fulfill these roles.

This year we had a range of speakers and visitors from our local community and beyond. We also used a website called Founders4Schools and our contact Arlene Nicol from West Lothian DYW to find people to visit us.

Our visitors included:

  • Mrs Edwards ~ Team Building Skills
  • Mr Walker ~ 35 Cycles
  • Mrs Gent ~ Community Midwife
  • Mr Cecil ~ STEM East
  • Ms Haston ~ Archaeology
  • Alison & Rachel ~ Narnia Hair Design
  • Mr Fish ~ Fire fighter
  • Mr Wilson ~ Postman
  • Ms Szawlowska ~ Carer/ student
  • Mr Mitchell ~ PBC Foundation
  • Kristy & Dawn ~ Dawnfresh
  • Applied Science Students ~ West Lothian College
  • Mr Russell ~ Wright and Maclennan Ltd
  • Jenny Cambell ~ Resilience Engine

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who visited us and helped to make it such a huge success. Ms Haston organised for WL Courier to visit us … So watch this space!

The learning outcomes we explored during the week were:

Nursery – P1:

  • I can communicate with people about the different jobs they do in my community.
  • I can discuss some of the rewards that a job brings
  • I can role play different job roles.
  • I can develop ideas and take part in projects to make things.


  • I can describe different jobs in my community and some of the skills needed for these.
  • I can learn about the world of work from visits, projects and my experiences.
  • I can talk to employers about myself and about their workplace.
  • I can recognise that there are different ways to get a job.
  • I can talk about the types of jobs that interest me


  •  I can discuss the relevance of skills to the wider world and make connections between skills and the world of work.
  •  I can explain to others my ambitions/what I would like to do and look for ways to achieve them/that.
  • I can recognise the skills I have and need for work.
  • I can apply my skills to get more information about jobs/careers.
  • I can identify different types of enterprise opportunities and engage in them.

You can find out more about our DYW Week by visiting our blog.

DYW Apprentice Assembly

This morning we held an Apprentice Assembly to mark the end of our Developing the Young Workforce Week.

Jenny Campbell from Resilience Engine started our assembly by sharing her journey with us which has resulted in her creating her own business.

Our judging  panel consisted of John Sexton (West Lothian Digital Learning Team), Arlene Nicol (West Lothian Developing the Young Workforce) and Jenny Campbell (Resilience Engine). The panel had a tough job of selecting the winners of our ‘Digital Character Challenge’.

The presentations from each class were very impressive, demonstrating how confident and creative our children are.


Congratulations to Connor and Jessica in P1 who won the P1-3 competition!

and Oliwia in P6, who won the P4-7 competition!

PUSCPS would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made our DYW Week so successful!

We also dressed up as careers or jobs we would like to have wehn we grow up. Our visit from Barry walker inspired Katy to dress up as him, and Abbie even dressed up as Miss Burton!

West Lothian Schools Triathlon

A massive ‘well done’ to our pupils from p5, 6 and 7 who participated in the triathlon today! Mrs Dickie was extremely proud of them all! They were a real credit to our school and everyone had a great time. Lots of smiles in the sunshine!



Thank you to everyone who made a donation or took part in the raffle at the Rookie Rockstars Concert. We have raised £198 for school funds.

Thank you to the parent partner group for organising the refreshments and raffle.

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