Today we had our first Celebration Assembly to celebrate all our achievements during Term 3.
We had our first Dojo Top Scorers for each of our houses – they received a £10 gift voucher for WH Smith.
Each teacher nominated a child in their class for the Remarkable Reader Award for making progress in their reading.
They also nominated a child in their class for the STEM Superstar Award for making progress in Science, Technologies, Engineering and Maths.
We gave out Sumdog Awards for the Top 5 in Reading and Maths during our Snow Days.
P7 Young Leaders who took part in the Families Reading Together session received a Head Teacher Award.
The children who took part in the West Lothian Burns festival received a Head Teacher Award.
Miai and Jessica told us about representing our cluster on a trip to London.
Almond won the house points for this term.
Well done to everyone who received an award, and thank you to the families who joined us.