Values Refresh

At our parent consultations, please visit the hall where we would like families to contribute to our Values Refresh! Have a look and reflect on:

  • What are our core values?
  • What do we want our children/ school community to be like?
  • What values are central to our school?

We will collect your ideas at the parent consultations this week. If you would like to offer some further suggests, please add them as a comment to this blog post.


P7 Pump Track Safety

Today Primary 7 were set the challenge of creating a poster to demonstrate how to safely use the pump track.

First of all they used Kahoot to assess their knowledge of bicycle safety.

We discussed what a pump track was and it is different from other bicycle tracks. Then we watched a YouTube video which gave us some tips on how to use it safely and made notes. We also discussed what advice we could give to younger children in our school about the pump track.

They then used their notes to create a pump track safety poster for the children in our school.

Watch this space for their final posters!

Our School Garden

Our school garden has flourished over the summer, look at the fabulous photos below!

Big Butterfly Count

Sarah-Jane and her family took park in the Big Butterfly Count in our school gardens. They counted 7 small and 3 large white, 3 painted lady, red admiral and 3 small tortoiseshell butterflies in 15 mins.


Nearly New Uniform Sale

We will have our nearly new uniform on sale in the school dinner hall on:

  • Monday 19th August  at 2:00-3:00pm
  • Tuesday 20th August at 9:30-10:30am

All donations will go into school funds.

If you have any donations of old school uniform that is still in good condition, please hand it in to our office.

Nursery Assembly

Today our nursery children shared some of their favourite songs with us and even danced! We also presented our pre-school children with a scroll and a gift to wish them on their way to Primary 1!

Thank you to all our families who joined us for our assembly and to the nursery staff for organising it.

Resilience Film Screening

We would like to invite you to view a short film on Thursday 20th June at 6pm.  The film is about resilience in children, an issue that many schools across West Lothian have been focussing on and will continue to focus on in the coming sessions.  The film, which has already been shown to many of our professionals in education and health, aims to provide an understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact that these can have on children and their education.

We will also screen a children’s film in the hall where children of primary school age will be supervised to allow adults to attend the resilience film screening in the P7 classroom.  Tea and coffee will also be available.

In order to help us to plan catering and supervision requirements, please contact our office and let them know you would like to attend.

We look forward to welcoming you then.

Cluster Stellar Award Success!

We are SUPER excited to announce that this awesome author in P4 has been selected to represent our cluster  (PUSCPS, Broxburn PS, Kirkhill PS, Uphall PS & Dechmont PS) at the West Lothian Stellar Awards!

Big congratulations!

Anti-Social Behaviour

This flyer has recently been issued from West Lothian.

We would like to make the plea that if anyone see’s any antisocial behaviour in our school grounds including people trying to access the playground, or in the areas surrounding our grounds for example the kick pitch and pump track, that they report it. Especially as it is coming into the summer period.

Report a Glow concern
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