Harvest Assembly

This morning we had our annual harvest assembly.  We were joined by our special guest, Mr Povey, who told us a story about the true meaning of harvest time.

P5 were excellent, telling the whole school and our parents/carers all about when and why we celebrate at this time.  Club Wild also presented and shared their learning with us and had lots of fresh vegetables to sell.

A huge thank you to all of our pupils, parents and carers for donating so generously to our West Lothian Food Bank collection.  We hope to continue supporting this very worthy charity throughout the year.

Repost: Harvest

As part of our work on Harvest, we are now taking donations for the West Lothian Food Bank.  Please send in donations of non-perishable food until Friday 12th October and help us to support this very worthy cause.

Please join us at our Harvest assembly on Friday 12th October at 9.10 a.m., with our special guest Mr.Povey.  We look forward to welcoming you then.

Harvesting at Nursery

We have been harvesting our vegetables from the nursery garden over the last 2 weeks. We have used our carrots, tomatoes,  squash and onions to make healthy pizzas and we ate them for snack.  Some of us made our own pizzas at the craft table and we put them on the wall. They look just like real pizzas!!

We have shown an interest in minibeasts and in the garden we found some worms,  snails, earwigs,  woodlouse and a spider. We have drawn lots of pictures of the minibeasts for our display.

We also had a visit from our parents when we showed them all the things we enjoy doing in the nursery at our first Pop In And Play session.


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