Developing the Young Workforce – Call for help!

This term our class contexts for learning are as follows:

If you feel you can contribute to any of these contexts by talking about your job, skills, experiences, etc. We would love for you to help us. Please contact the office

tel: 01506 280995

or fill out the questionnaire below.


P3 Technology

As part of our topic work on Flat Stanley, P3 have been designing and creating kites for Stanley’s brother, Arthur. Arthur needed to find a new kite after using his brother, Stanley, as one and getting him tangled in a tree!

First, we drew plans of our designs with labels to show which materials we would use and then we followed these to make the kites in class. We then reflected upon our designs and predicted how well we thought they would fly.

We are hoping to test them next week when we have a dry, windy day.

P5 Investigate Natural Disasters

We created 3D structures to represent our farms in the Scottish landscape. Then each of our farms were subjected to a terrible natural disaster. This allowed us to experience how others feel when their houses are destroyed in real natural disasters. We then wrote a newspaper article to explain what natural disaster had taken place and what the outcome of it was. Then we worked in groups to write a script for a news interview. We are currently practicing these and we will be performing them in front of the class next week.

Dynamic Earth Trip and Space Topic

P2C have greatly enjoyed their recent learning on our Topic of Space and the trip to Dynamic Earth was the cherry on the cake!
Thank you to the classes for outstanding behaviour and thank you to all the helpers who came along.
To view pictures and videos of our learning from our Space Topic and to pictures from our trip please follow the link below:

P2S Trip Dynamic Earth

Primary 2S had lots of fun today on our trip to Dynamic Earth. Mrs Strachan was very proud of us for our excellent behaviour, manners and interest in all the activities . Well done boys and girls!

Primary 1 Class Trip

P1 had a fantastic trip to Mill Farm today.  They experienced sun, rain and hail all in the one day but that didn’t stop the fun!  This was a great way to finish our ‘Let it Grow’ topic as the children were able to meet lots of animals and ask the staff questions.  We were so impressed with the excellent behaviour, manners and interest shown from all the children.

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