Primary 3 STEM Topic Work

As part of our ‘Our Planet, Our Future’ topic, Primary 3 and been learning about the effects of litter and plastic pollution to the environment.

We have been researching how long it takes for materials to rot away after they are discarded and how our rubbish impacts on animals. Using the information found, we created posters and wrote an exposition to persuade people not to drop litter.

by Eva and Floraidh
By Connor and Jessica

With have also linked our topic with our work on food chains, learning how animals depend on one another and discovering how plastic can enter and pass through the food chain. We worked in groups to create pictures of different marine food chains and presented them to the rest of the class.

Our next step is to learn more about recycling and how to cut down on our use of plastic to reduce plastic pollution.

P3 litter picking in the playground

STEM Assembly: Sharing our STEM Learning

Today we our classes shared their STEM learning this term at our assembly.


Miss Connor, the West Lothian Development Officer for STEM shared with us the importance of STEM skills for our future jobs and carers.


Each class then shared with us their STEM Learning.

Primary 7

Primary 6

Primary 5

Primary 4

Primary 3

Primary 2

Primary 1


We celebrated the children and classes who scored highly in the West Lothian Maths Sumdog Competition.

We also invited along a neuroscientist, who told us all about his career and what STEM skills he used.

P5 STEM work

In P5 we have done lots of experiments to investigate forces. We have looked at friction, air resistance, gravity, static energy and magnets.  Please have a look at our slides to see what we have been learning.

Primary 4 STEM Learning

Our STEM topic has had a focus on space linking to maths within daily life, seasons, time, day and night.   In Writing the pupils wrote instructions for how to make a paper plate sundial including a title, goal, materials and steps.  To check if they had written a successful set of instructions the children then created the paper plate sundials by following instructions that were written by someone else rather than their own.  They were then able to give feedback on what went well and what could be improved by peer assessing using the peer assessment placemats in order to link their feedback to the success criteria.

Finally, the children participated in the ‘Let’s Make a Sundial’ challenge to design and create a sundial using readily available resources. 


Our STEM topic has been The Circus. We have been learning about money and sold tickets in the playground for our own Circus performance.

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