Scot’s Week in P2

This week P2 welcomed storyteller Paraig McNeil who told us lots of Scottish stories. We learned about tartan and foods and Scottish tradition.

At home we have been learning Scot’s songs and poems. I am happy that so many in the class had the confidence to recite these in front of all the other pupils.
Well done to Iona and Jacob who were voted to recite their poems at the Assembly.

Scots week in P5

It was very difficult to choose the winners to go through to the Scots assembly because the standard of poems was very high.

Well done to Aaron, who recited Captain Puggle, and also to Rosa, who recited The Puddock, at today’s Scots assembly.

We have been very busy finding out about Steven Brown. We have been creating his style of art work using paint and collage. All will be revealed next week at our assembly………… see you then!


Digital Learning in P7


The children used an Atlas to locate Scottish towns and cities. They then recreated these by using cones and programmed the Spheros to travel between them. They investigated different speeds to help keep control of the Sphero.


The children used different apps to create their own tartan.

Scottish Celebration Assembly

There are still tickets available for our Scottish Celebration Assembly on Friday 25th January at 9:15am. These can be collected at the office or requested by returning the slip on the recent letter sent home.  We are now opening the tickets to more than two per family if requested.

Learning about Scotland in P4

Station 1

The children used their design skills and imagination to create their own tartan. They could chose if they wanted to use a netbook, iPad ror draw a tartan. Some children used the lines on paint on the netbooks and some used the doodle buddy app.

Station 2 

At this station the children use their research skills to find out key facts about Robert Burns in pairs. They then used a Glow form to share their information by answering questions about his life.

Station 3

The children brainstormed Scots they already knew and used their research skills to learn some new Scots words using the iPads or netbooks. They made a video to share their learning.

Station 4

The children looked at maps of Scotland and decided which towns and cities they would like to visit. They used cones to make the cities and then programmed the Sphero robots to travel to different places in Scotland. Reflecting on their learning, they felt they are getting better at being able to make more accurate movements with the Spheros.

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