P4 Maths Week Scotland

Primary 4 have been looking at position by using grid references to locate places on a map of the local area.  We then took our learning outside to create maps using keys to show the position of specific areas and items.

Primary 3/2: Maths Week Scotland

This week, Primary 3/2 were doing some investigation work in maths!

We looked at how to partition the number 10 in different ways.

We did this by:

  • using drawing to make sets of 10 dots into smaller groups
  • used knowledge of our number bonds to make pairs
  • used cuisenaire rods to find out combinations of blocks that were equal to 10
  • used ten frames to split/combine different groups

We came up with lots of different ideas, from number bonds (5 +5, 6 +4) to slightly more complex combinations (4 + 4 + 2, 1 + 1 + 1+ 1+ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1). Miss McLaughlin saw lots of great teamwork!

Congratulations to our class, who placed in the top 2000 classes for the West Lothian Sumdog Competition. Well done to Callum for earning his Sumdog award too!

Check in with us next time to see what we have been learning!

Primary 3/2 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 1 Maths Week Scotland

This week we have been completing lots of different activities to further develop our numeracy skills. We have been practising counting, sequencing and recognising number patterns to 20. We have also been exploring addition by counting two groups of objects to find the total and practising adding one to a number. We have been looking at the symbols for add and equals and have begun using these in our written work.

P2/1 Maths Week Scotland

This week P2/1 have been busy in maths.

P1 have been counting  different objects , then adding one and two more, and checking the new amount.  Primary 2 have been developing their understanding of how numbers are constructed and have been making 2 digit numbers using different concrete materials, We have also been skip counting in 2’s and 10’s.


Primary 7 – BYOD

If your child is taking part in the bring your own device initiative we request that they please download the following free apps at home:
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft One Drive
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
They can log into these apps with their glow log in. The first time they log in it will require them to use wl(their username)@glow.sch.uk and their glow password.
We would also request that they download the Sumdog and Kahoot apps.
Thanks for your support.

P7 Local area IDL

When thinking about our local area in P7, we looked at what we know, what we wanted to find out and how we would learn about it.  We had so many questions that Mrs Andison decided to let us all investigate what we are interested in ourselves. Some of us are working in small groups, in pairs or on our own.  At the end of our research stage we will produce a leaflet from our notes, about one aspect of our local area.  We are enjoying finding out about where we live.  We will put photos of our leaflets on the blog to show the finished product.  Look out for them in a few weeks time.

Primary 1 Local Area Interdisciplinary Learning

As part of our topic, Primary 1 have been learning all about the local area. We looked at lots of photos talked about the different features of our community including the park, the train station and the shop.

This week the children have been looking at different types of housing and talking about where they live. Rosie explained that her house has stairs and Freddie shared photos of his garden and the places that were near his house. We have started to create models of homes to show what we have learnt. We hope to finish these next week and create a village display.

We have also been learning about the effects of littering and talked about what we could do the keep our local community clean and tidy. We went on a litter pick in the playground and created posters to tell others to always put their litter in the bin.


P4/3 Our Local Community Topic

In our local community topic we have been identifying places where we live and belong to in Pumpherston and Uphall. We surveyed the class and created graphs to show the most visited places. P4/3 have also created maps of the area using grid references as a link to mathematics. At the moment we are focusing on sketching and designing a new building for the area. Coming up we will be using our plans as well as lego and other building materials to construct these buildings.


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